Friday, June 2, 2000

I organized my office and bedroom closets.

I think I might’ve been wrong when I said they were back to booming in the sky again, cuz I haven’t heard anything other than that little rumble, which obviously wasn’t them. If it was, I’m sure I would’ve heard more than just one fly-by in 4 days.

I’m shocked to say that I haven’t heard that boom car stereo, either. Totally shocked. I was expecting it to be a regular till I put an end to it.

Stupid me, for the second time, forgot to tape a Carol Kane show. It was on this morning, but fortunately, she was just a tooth fairy in some stupid children’s show, so I’m sure I didn’t miss anything. I’m sure she was made up to look rather geeky and tooth fairies don’t exactly turn me on, either. I won’t miss the two movies that will be on the 11th and 12th. I want to see them too bad to forget them.

I still have no clue as to what causes these allergy fits I have every 2-3 weeks. All I can see as a cause is a good old case of old-fashioned God’s will. Why he insists on doing this to me, though, beats me. I guess it’s to compensate for the wheezing and asthma attacks that would land me in the ER that I no longer have but isn’t the tightness and congestion I always have enough? The shit I went through for my first 5 years of life should be enough!!! Why is he hell-bent on punishing me? Why must he always inflict some kind of pain, punishment or long-term problem on me? Can’t he just let me solve a problem without giving me a new one? If he’s not going to help me help myself with anything, then the least he can do is stay out of my way and not shoot me down any further!

Anyway, I’m still experimenting as far as the allergies go. I expanded the mice’s cages since they obviously don’t have anything to do with my allergies, and decided to pack most of my dolls away to give myself an easier time dusting for a while. I packed 19 away and kept out my favorite 14. I packed half the Barbies too, so I only have 5 out. I doubt this will help, though. Like I said, it’s God’s will no matter what. Put me in a sterile room and I’ll still have allergy problems.

I rat-proofed the bedroom closet yesterday for Houdini. He’s so cute and I love him like no other pet. It’s amazing how similar yet how different rats and mice are. All mice want is food, water, and a decent place to live, but rats are very demanding of human companionship, full of energy, and in need of being allowed to roam free.


Yesterday, some guy went down the road on a horse. I think I’ve seen them before, too. It’s so neat seeing someone go by your house on a horse!

Get this – the day before yesterday Tom made a comment while he was trying to get my scanner working about how he had had plans to surprise me with sex but wasn’t sure he could with the computer problems going on, etc. Yeah, well this pissed me off. I was like – if you wanted to screw, you’d find the time and not use my scanner as an excuse. Then he says he was only kidding, but we never did end up screwing. I wish he’d just shut his mouth and screw me or not screw me at all. And I don’t buy it. I don’t think for one minute he had plans to surprise me, cuz if you’re gonna surprise someone, you don’t announce your plans. You just do it. You don’t talk about it and then not do it. Meanwhile, I know what’ll happen – the same old, same old. Either Saturday or Sunday evening, at the end of his day, we’ll have a cumless screw or a no-screw. God, I am really getting sick of the same old piece of pie!


Tom replaced my wheel mouse with an old mouse I picked out years ago till I can get a new wheel mouse, but I’m still having problems with the scanner and the paintbrush program. I’ve had more computer problems since living in this house than I did the whole time I was in Phoenix!

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