Thursday, June 22, 2000

It’s a good thing I went to bed when I did last night because it was thundering madly by 9:30. We got some steady rain for a while, too.

How do you wake up two pounds heavier after you’ve had your period, you’ve shit, and you’ve been eating so little? I haven’t had more than 1000 worth of food the last couple of days, and maybe about 300 calories worth of coffee, so why is it that I’m back to 120 pounds? Guess this is a reminder of how easily I gain weight and of how slow my metabolism is. It’s also a reminder that I can never have 1500-2000 a day without gaining whatever I’ve lost back.


Wow! I can’t believe all these storms! Still not enough water to flow down the washes like a river, though. It’s down to just 67 degrees out and I was even able to shut off the AC and open some windows in back to let the nice breeze flow in and freshen things up in here. I miss having an evaporative cooler, although that’d be useless at this time with the dew point so high. If the rain starts coming down hard again, I’ll have to shut the windows. For now, I’ve got one in the den open, the kitchen window’s open, and the retreat’s open. I’d open the living room and office, but the wind’s not coming in that way.


It stormed from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM today.

I’ve been finding myself getting more and more bored these days. There are things I could do, but I just get sick of the same old, same old. I think back to the hotel/trailer days and I certainly don’t miss the hecticness of those days, but I never had time to be bored! I’ve taken up a new hobby, though, but I’ll discuss it here some other time.

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