Tuesday, June 6, 2000

Oh, I can’t believe how stupid I am! How utterly fucking stupid of me! I put the rats in with the large group of mice in the big tank while I was doing their cage and Houdini viciously attacked and killed Toughie. He went for the throat and she was dead in seconds. This was no pin-the-opponent play game, either. This was a vicious attack meant to kill. Fortunately, the other mice stayed safe within the tubes. I’ve done this a few times before and there were no problems so I didn’t expect there would be this time. Still, how dumb of me to take chances like this! It’s my fault as much as Houdini’s, and despite what he’s done, I still love the murderous bastard.

I sort of fibbed to Tom when I called him at work about it and told him that the rats were in a tank right next to theirs and that Houdini jumped into their tank. I’m OK with lying to him every now and then about things like this and like the basketball hoop I had removed, and the breakfast I walked out without paying for. After all, he’s lied to me about much more serious things than that. So, unless he reads my journals, he’ll never know the full truth.


And another Mexican called! That’s the fifth Mexican to call this number in the last month or so. What is it with all these Mexicans calling us anyway? This one didn’t have the guts to talk when it left a message. All I heard was its TV. I asked Tom if there were ever more whites than Mexicans in Arizona and he swears there are more whites right now. He says it’s Mexican culture to hang outdoors and white culture to hang out in their houses, so that’s why I see more Mexicans when we go out. Yeah, that makes sense. Just like with the blacks, those Mexies always did have to be outside where they could be noticed. Always got to make a scene and get attention. I just dread the day when some Mexican moves in behind us with her 5 boyfriends, 10 children, 15 uncles and aunts, 20 cousins, and 30 “friends.” Where there’s one Mexican, there are 50. They’re like ants. One big trail of ants. It’s no wonder they huddle in groups, though. They know just how much whites are fed up with them and how much they hate them that they probably feel safer in groups, the insecure mother-fuckers.


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee!!! I saw part of a soccer game Tom was watching live in Foxborough, MA, and damn is it raining like hell there like it does nearly every day between April and September! What’s even funnier is that it was 48° in Springfield the last time I checked, which means they’ll be in the 30s by early morning!! Oh, yuck!! Thank God I still don’t live there!!!!! Imagine it being that cold in June!? Ugh! Tammy’s got it a little better than Springfield. It’s up to 55° where she is. Ha, ha! Meanwhile, we’re in the middle of a drought and I’m sweating my ass off in the 110° we’ve got. Their highs are lower than our lows.

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