Friday, February 16, 2001

I slept the longest I’ve ever slept since being here, and all night, too! I fell asleep around 9 PM, right before the nurse came. I remember asking Hudgens if she’d turn the TV off and she said she would on her next walk. The next time I opened my eyes for a sec, it was dark and quiet. Then the next time was when Temple was waking us up to go down and get our breakfast, but neither of us was interested. I didn’t get up till 7:45 when Bangert let us out for our hour out. I showered, shaved, and walked at a brisk pace for 20 minutes.

Everyone was asleep when I was out, and I saw that Carol moved in to take Maria’s place.

While I was showering, I heard Bangert call for Rec.

That’s right Bangert! Call for rec while everyone’s asleep and I’m in the shower.

I hope and pray my next celly doesn’t need me to be their source of entertainment. I hate cellies that smother me with always needing someone to talk to. And I hate it when they don’t stay on their beds, making me feel like I’ve got even less space/privacy, though I’d rather see a celly too much than hear them too much.

Lunch just came and I made myself eat a boring ham sandwich in case tonight’s dinner isn’t edible.

I asked Misery when the meal cut is supposed to take place and she said she didn’t know. She said it’ll be the same number of calories. (2900) It’s awfully hard to believe we get that many calories. To me, it seems more like 1500-2000.

Nottelmann’s on now. I was wondering if she’d ever work here again while I was still here.

Believe it or not, after all I slept last night, I took a long nap. Not without waking up a zillion times, throughout it, though. Marilyn said she tried to be quiet, yet I heard every move she made. I heard the water running, the movements, the coughing, the heavy breathing, etc. Then she yelled out to Bangert about going to Medical for her shot, then Bangert came back later to tell her they’d pull her later for it. She was gone all of 5 minutes for her shot, which she says is for mental illness. She’s still one of the nicest, sanest psych cases I’ve met so far, but that’s OK because technically I’m a psych case myself. I just won’t take meds for it. ADD is a bitch to deal with either way. The hyperness causes insomnia which fucks up my schedule and causes me to have trouble focusing and concentrating on things for long periods of time. That, my childhood, and my being scrawny (for most of my life) is why I have so much trouble dealing with people, be it with jobs or relationships of various kinds. Some haven’t exactly liked dealing with my being hard of hearing, either. Of course, it depends on where I am and how much background noise there is. Everyone wants you to be perfect and over 5 feet tall. I’m convinced that Tom’s the only one in the whole world who could ever accept me as I am. I’m really careful of what I tell people when they ask about me because I know certain things could be used against me as unfair and irrelevant to the present as it sometimes is. I didn’t tell intake I tried to kill myself, for example, because they could use that against me, even though I was only 17 years old.

It’s nice to think of all the things Tom and I are going to do in and out of the house when I get out, and over the years to come, but I hesitate to plan too much. Life isn’t what we plan it!

Some plain-looking DO named Redpath is filling in for Nottelmann while she’s at the sergeant’s office, or so I heard. I get the impression this isn’t a very nice lady, but when you’re new to a DO, they never seem nice. Believe me, there’s a huge difference in how the DOs treat me now, versus my first couple of months here.

What is it with all this drinking? This is the second celly in a row obsessed with drinking cup after cup of water.

Because I slept all night last night and had a nap, I know I’ll be up all night tonight. I wish I could sleep and sleep and sleep. It makes the time go by so much faster.

When I was downstairs walking this morning I noticed that Myra’s ID says she’s minimum security. How does a child molester/beater get to be minimum while the writer ends up to be medium? Does anything in this world make sense? Is anything ever fair?

Anyway, we were surprised with chicken for dinner. It was a small piece that wasn’t overly filling, but it sure beats weenies!

These cheap razors really suck. I’ve got major razor stubble now. Maybe I should just wait and shave when I get out with my own razor which is a really good one.

Marilyn and I were telling the nurse and Nottelmann some jokes. I showed them the rat and mice pictures, too.

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