Monday, February 26, 2001

Thanks to Nancy for threatening me at my door at 9:00, I’m in for another day of being exhausted.

God, get this toothless wad of acne with her septic tank breath out of here! Although now she might try to stay here just to harass me. And people say I’m not being punished? Yeah, right! I’m not short either. I just look it.

I heard Myra tell Lisa that Nancy apologized to her.

Obviously, Myra’s too stupid to know that she only did that to get Myra and everyone else off her ass and so she could join them in tormenting me. They just love her now. They can have her! They’re all good for each other.

Nancy and Myra bragged about having my PO Box address. I hope they do write because I will go to the cops, as much as I hate them and have no trust or respect for them. The freeloaders taught me well.

Anyway, I don’t care what people are in for. As long as they respect me, I don’t care if they’re mass murderers.

As far as Mary goes, the best I can tell is that she’s here for neglect because they feel she allowed her daughter to be killed by being too scared to leave the abusive guy she was with. She’s also testifying against him.

Myra’s case is totally different. She and her boyfriend abused and molested her kids. Her boyfriend got 44 years for his part in it. If what Ruby said is true back in A Tower, she let her kids go down on her to please her boyfriend. That’s sick! Totally sick! Hopefully, she’ll get killed in prison. That shit won’t fly there from what I’ve heard. Being in Ad-Seg will be useless to her because other inmates will sign themselves in there just to kill her.

Mindy, another one that’s a pitiful excuse for a human being (this one’s involved in a child pornography ring) said she wants to break my neck.

Mindy, you wouldn’t stand a chance against me, girl, and like the DOs would really give you the chance to try? Right!

Tomaszewski wouldn’t even let me out for underwear/towel exchange till room 1 was locked down. “Slam the door,” she told them, so she could be sure it was locked.

I’ve seen Tomaszewski before, but she’s never worked here since I’ve been here. She’s a mean-looking older lady, but so far I haven’t had any problems with her. No one else likes her, though. She told Nancy and Myra to shut their mouths when they said I needed to go to A Tower.

I learned exactly what buttons to push to shut Myra up when I don’t feel like drowning her shit out with the radio. I had thought that keeping my mouth shut would cause her to get bored with running off at the mouth and not getting any response, but it’s just the opposite. When I got fed up this morning and gave her a piece of my mind concerning child molesters, she got extremely distraught and even more paranoid. She was literally in tears with rage and embarrassment that others were trying to calm her down by telling her not to let me get to her. So now that she knows that every time she dishes shit out she’ll have to take it right back, the child molester may be hesitant about provoking me into airing out her dirty laundry.

Great. Now the Arizona Republic wants to do an interview with me. I declined, of course. Especially after channel 3 played like they were on my side, only to end up making a fool of me all in the name of entertainment. They may go and slander the fuck out of me now that I refused their interview, though they’d do that anyhow. People hear what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe. Always gotta hype things up, twist things around, and even downright lie. The truth just isn’t exciting enough.

Why 4 months into the sentence, though? If they haven’t forgotten about me by now, maybe they never will. Maybe they’ll be waiting for me at the door when I get out, and even worse, maybe they’ll harass me at home.

Chavez just came on.

I teased the fuck out of Myra when she was on her hour out, saying she could have the “papers” they’re all so afraid of. Then when I made like I was going to slip them under the door only to burst out laughing at her instead, she was furious, threatening to have the sergeant search this room.

Is she that stupid? I could write “Myra’s a sick child molester” a million times and it’s still not illegal. Not yet, anyway. I’m sure Arizona will be the first state to make it illegal, though.

If I’ve got my schedule straight, Nancy’s out first tomorrow, which means I gotta get up at 8:30. Wait till I tease her with commissary. I’ll make like I’m going to slip her a candy bar as a peace offering, then laugh my ass off at her, too.

I’m sorry, but I just don’t feel guilty for torturing these animals. They provoked me and I’ve had all the shit I can take from them. What people just don’t seem to understand is that you can’t fuck with people and not expect to get shit like this in return. They’ve asked for everything I’ve given them. I always try to give what I get, so if they fuck off, I will too, but not until then.

I’m a magnet for leaks even in jail. The rain’s dripping down through the vent and forming a little puddle by the sink. I doubt it’s coming from the sink because it only happens when it rains. That explains why it smelled like rain in here.

Gracie said hi again when she was going up the stairs, and the big girl she’s with asked for books and bread.

Now that I’m standing up to Myra, she’s backing off a bit. Sometimes two wrongs do make a right, so to speak, and sometimes you just can’t turn the other cheek or depend on others to go to bat for you.

Nothing was said for hours, and just when I thought they’d surprise me by keeping their mouths shut, Silvia returned from court. Myra told her she missed it today because I started in with my bullshit, then boy did I shut her up faster than hell by reminding everyone just what she’s all about! They’d still be going on if I’d kept quiet, too. I told her that every time she started, so would I till she finished it. The ball’s in her court.

A few inmates told me a while back that one day I’d be laughing at this shit. Well, I’m already laughing, believe me!

Dinner left me starving with an inhumanely spicy hot dog, so commissary couldn’t have come on a better night. Their only fuck-up is that they’re colorblind. I checked lipstick and wrote “pink or none,” but what did I get? Same old red stuff. I’ll take the extra tube home. There’s now no longer any dollar limit to how much commissary you can buy. It used to be $65 was all you could order. I guess the jail’s really desperate for money. I usually get $20 – $30 worth of stuff.

I almost laughed loud enough to be heard when Chavez was threatening Myra and her cellies with A Tower for shoving God knows what down the toilet and making it overflow. Just before this, Myra was going wild, louder than hell with her high-pitched obnoxiously girlie laugh, saying how she’s having a nervous breakdown, this jail’s going to kill her, etc. She’s not laughing now, but as usual, hers in the voice I hear most. Always gotta be the center of attention.

Speaking of toilets, I know this has got to piss her off – I start flushing the toilet (these toilets are as loud as Niagara Falls) whenever she yells up through the vents to Mindy.

God, I am sooo bored! Maybe next week I’ll buy the $3 book of crossword puzzles. Maybe there are some word finds in it which I prefer. I’m lousy at crosswords but Tom likes them and I can always bring home what I don’t do.

Poor, poor Nancy all alone up there with nothing to eat. Well, if you hadn’t been dumb enough to threaten me, you’d have gotten something for the pen, you stupid shit (although what she wanted was ridiculous for a pen she never paid for)!

Her stupidity did me a favor in the end. I really was fed up with her and we really needed to be separated. I’m just glad I could stop her from ripping up my shit like she started to and that Chavez had perfect timing because I’d be looking at an assault charge right now for sure and I’d be hungry as all hell, too. I never would’ve been able to keep a lid on my fists if she had fucked with my stuff.

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