Friday, February 23, 2001

Talked with Tom at Mary’s house. Boy, was it a relief to hear his voice! I knew I didn’t see him because of the security override and I knew I’d have been notified if anything bad had happened, but hearing his voice made a world of difference as far as calming my nerves was concerned.

He said everyone was told to leave and all he heard was a couple of DOs saying 100 was rocking. I’m sure they were referring to the hole which is A100. Could’ve been B100, but I doubt it. It certainly wasn’t M100. That’s Alpha. M300 is juvi, and we’re M200. “The Princess Dorm,” as it’s commonly referred to.

“Are you going to tell your husband I’m coming on to you?” Nancy asked me.

“Well, of course. I tell him everything.”

No, she’s not going to rape me or anything like that. She’s just horny as hell and wishes we could take care of each other. Sorry, Nancy, I’m just not attracted to you. That’s very complimentary of her to tell me how much she likes my “porcelain doll” face and my lips that she says she can imagine kissing, but she doesn’t cut it for me. She just doesn’t turn me on one bit. Also, although I know we could time our activities without getting caught, it’d feel weird to have sex in jail.

Nancy said she recognizes Tom from his picture and that she saw him cruising the Mesa area looking for hookers and that she ripped him off when he thought she was a hooker. Right! And I ripped off Gloria Estefan after she went down on me after thinking I was really Linda Ronstadt. Why would a guy who’s hardly ever horny anyway, go all the way to Mesa for a piece of ass? Not that I’d give a shit if he did as long as I was always his #1. Nancy and I go back and forth between fighting and getting along and she said this when she was pissed at me, so that alone tells me something right there.

She’s taken to begging more and when I put my foot down and let her know she wasn’t going to take advantage of me, she called me stingy and was even going to have Lopez put her down in 2 which is empty. That’s how it is around here when you don’t want to end up spending a fortune on all your cellies and be responsible for them; you get called stingy, but she can call me that all she wants. She’s not getting anything else from me.

She bit my dead batteries, saying that makes them last longer because it condenses them. It seemed to help, but only through a few songs.

She asked Lopez about the racket behind us. They’re setting up new female and male tents (N and O). O’s going to be the women’s tents, and Lopez says she connects the word ovaries to O so she remembers that O’s going to be for women. A and B towers are female, C and D are males, E is women, F and G are males, H is male tents, I is female tents, J, K, L and M are all female.

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