Wednesday, June 25, 2003

No wonder Mary hasn’t been working on her book. It’s not just the noise and interruptions by rude beggars needy of entertainment, but she’s got so much of her time tied up in writing her current criminal of choice. But if it makes her happy, so be it.

I’ve been busy working on my own book, and come a few months from now, depending on if I get any money for working for Mary, I might be putting doll kits together instead of getting a kiln and all the supplies needed for that. I discovered at a really good deal on a wide variety of dolls and kits, though no one seems to be fully stocked like JBS is. They don’t have Alexa and several others, but I’m sure they could order them. This is the first site where I found a good deal on Haiku. It isn’t just that they’ve got good prices, it’s how complete their kits are. The kits come with everything needed to assemble dolls except the rock-hard putty that sets the limbs and the filling. They not only set the eyes for you, but they do the eyelashes too, the two hardest parts of the assembly, and also the pate and wig. You can change hair and eye colors, but wig changes may require an additional charge which is fine with me. So maybe this is what I’ll do. It’ll cost about the same in the end, maybe even less in some cases. Instead of buying the kiln and all that, I’ll just assemble the kits I want for myself, then maybe sell some, though I’d mainly prefer a typing job in the end when Mary gets out and really pursues a career as an author unless she changes her mind and wants to do something else. If she has more kids that will limit her options, but that will have to be up to her. This may be just me, but I know I’m glad I didn’t have kids for that reason and others. Anyway, I think I’m meant to work for others, but if it’s going to be for a damn good friend who won’t use and abuse me at my own expense, that’s fine.

Anyway, I think I’ll drop the Sydney doll and just get those ornaments, the Red Hot Diva Barbie, Dalene and one more Ashton Indian doll, so I can then get on with getting the big, realistic Jade/Joy/Bailey type dolls. I don’t know when I’ll be saving for the mannequin. That will depend on when we think we can go to California to get it.

Next spring when the wildflowers come back out, I’m going to press them between sheets of glass. I think that’d look way cool.

The new house in front hasn’t been worked on yet. I still say one person bought 5 or 10 acres, split the land, and is waiting to haul in a couple more houses before they assemble/sell them. Let me guess…the one closest to us will be chock full of screaming kids and barking dogs and who knows what for music? There’ll be someone home constantly and people will hang out in front, which faces us, as often as the weather permits them to. At least due to the direction the wind blows, we shouldn’t get much of their trash over here. Just their dogs which I’m sure will be banned from indoors and allowed to roam loose. Another “at least” is that they’ll be white. Welfare bums can rarely afford a house as nice as this one is. I just hope God won’t send us an exception. I am not living with welfare bums again! Not even at 450’. Even that’s too close. Anyway, it may up the value of the properties around here, but if I can hear the dogs two properties away diagonally from us, then I’ll certainly hear the one that’s one property away diagonally from us. This is why we may as well get our own dog someday, but we’re going to treat it as part of the family and not old furniture to be tossed and stored outdoors at all times.

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