Sunday, May 30, 2004

I’m moving my schedule around, finally. I got stuck getting up around 5 PM for a while there, but tonight I got up at 9:30. I should be up for most of the day by the time people start looking at the furniture which should be around Wednesday.

We’re tentatively on for departure on the 11th, so 12 more days!

Due to the increasing heat, we’re making tonight the last night we open windows.

A few days ago we were surprised by the winner of the Madonna laser disc paying up. Finally! So that leaves just the two incense auctions we got stiffed on.

For about a week now, I’ve been winning on Lucky Surf’s slot machine which allows me to play their lotto 3 times a day instead of just once. Once we’re moved, I hope to psych out some money at the online casinos we could never go to in this state. I don’t know if it’ll be all that fun doing it online, though. It just wouldn’t be like the real thing that way, but there are game contests that may be fun. Mah Jong is my favorite game.

I have vibes saying Tom will work in the small town of Bonanza for $10 an hour.

On his way out to the store this morning to get treats for the car races he planned to watch today, he mentioned getting a ticket. I told him could, but that it’d lose. He asked if that was an opinion or a vibe and I told him it was a vibe. He also asked if that meant he shouldn’t bother, but I told him to do what he wanted. So he came home with the ticket and mixed hopes. He wanted me to be wrong, obviously, because he wanted to win, but he also wanted me to be right so that would give him even more hope of me being right when I say the title’s coming Tuesday. As I reminded him, no psychic is perfect, and that the more negative the vibe, the more likely I am to be right. Not winning the ticket may not be sensing we’re going to be killed in a car accident, I told him, but there’s a 90% - 95% chance I’m right when I say it’ll lose and probably an 80% chance the title will come on Tuesday.

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