Tuesday, August 23, 2005

All was pleasant till 11:00, then things were anything but pleasant. They still aren’t, and who knows how many more barking sprees I’ll have to deal with today. The dog’s no longer out in the early mornings due to the cooler weather, but it’s been making up for lost time in the afternoons. It’s been out for 4 hours now, and I’m sure it’s got 4 more to go.

I was pissed thanks to yesterday evening’s barking, so all through the morning, I blasted my music without waiting for an excuse from them to do so. I laughed when I first saw her outside because I figured I had run her out of her place. I could be wrong. Maybe she’d have come out to hose down and rearrange her patio anyway, but I got the feeling that she was like, “Okay, if you can’t hear me, you’ll at least see me.” It was like she wanted to insult me with her presence or something by taking over every inch of the backyard save for our patio. So she threw all her shit on the grass, hosed down her patio, then sat smoking at a table while the dog barked at next door.

Then in the early afternoon a white car I’d never seen before visited for about an hour while the dog would bark at the back door every 15 minutes or so, ignored. At first I didn’t want to blast the music and take my frustrations out on the company, but I was too pissed to care. Actually, I was hoping the company would find it annoying and leave, but I don’t think it made a difference where they were concerned. Again I’m sure the company didn’t say something like, “Well, if you would just pull the dog in, maybe she’d turn the music down. Think about it, Pat. It’s got to be horribly annoying to the girl.”

If it were me, that’s what I’d have said. Whoever they were, they left shortly before Tom got in and then she started putting some shit back on the patio.

Saturday can’t come fast enough! I know I’ll just be trading in the dog for car doors and maybe stereos too, but I think that may be better. And damn God to hell for the millionth time for doing this to me every single fucking place I go! The next time we’re thrown back in time and forced to live in a duplex, it’s going to have garages in between.


The split bitch and its beast went inside around 3:00, but she tossed the dog back out a few hours later. The yard still has some of her shit in it and she’s still got these hideous sheets or mattress pads on the line. I wonder if she’ll finish up tonight or save it for tomorrow. I have to see her every day no matter what. She’s like most folks with the hear-me/see-me obsession. She wants to remind anyone she can that she exists. As much company as she has, she must be pretty lonely due to how fat, ugly and crazy she is. She’s no doubt going to be celibate for the rest of her life, let alone single. All I know is that I’m going to be more obnoxious than her dog could ever be until she’s just a memory come Saturday!

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