Been up since 9:30, and now that next door’s finally shut up, though I’d take them any day over the dog, I can write in peace.
To have the queen not care to send the $1200 is one thing, but to not send the amount for his birthday and our anniversary as usual is totally sickening! We should’ve gotten the checks cashed at a check-cashing place and just let them steal half of it. This selfish bitch of a woman, who is a pitiful excuse for a human being let alone for a mother, couldn’t piss me off anymore if she tried! Just the mere thought of her makes me want to puke and I am not going to hold back at all in the letter I’ll be sending. I meant it when I said I wasn’t going to let the sickos, who denied me my constitutional right to free speech, scare me from speaking my mind. No paranoia will seal my lips when I’ve got something to say. Sure, there are times to kiss ass, but this ain’t one of them! And I hope it makes her so sick that she does everyone a favor and drops dead, not that we’d profit from it, but I figured as much as a year ago that her money would either all go to Mary and Dave or to charity. I know the main reason she’s turned against us is that Tom no longer lives there where he’s a convenient, handy slave to the bitch’s every beck and call. This shithead doesn’t even have the decency to acknowledge the letter, even if it were just to say she’s not sending anything. I’d bet just about anything that if we called there, not that we have the slightest desire to do so, she’d deny getting the letter in the first place.
Tom said the paramedics left next door the other day too fast to not be an accident. At first I was like, how do you “accidentally” call paramedics, but then I realized she probably has one of those buttons you push that automatically dispatches them.
My first thought was to wish she would get sick for real and end up hospitalized, though that may make things worse with the dog. With my shit luck, instead of someone coming to get the dog to bring to their place, they’d come over early in the morning, toss it out back with food and water, and not return again till nighttime. It sure would make the dog easy and vulnerable prey, though.
As punishment for the dog making it hard for me to return to sleep yesterday, I hit the inside of the utility cabinet along the dividing wall real good with a hammer after Tom left. I gave it about half a dozen strikes. I didn’t want to hit the wall itself and risk damaging it. This way any nicks are inside the cabinet. After this, I gave her 4 hours of music while I bounced and swept.
Mixed in with a few scattered barks, the red pickup visited for a little over an hour, then I saw her take off fast as if she were in a hurry. In a hurry to get away from me and my bass, I hope! God, do I hope I’ve driven her just as crazy as she has me, but I doubt it. I don’t think she minds the music, but even if she did, she comes from a place where the rule is: Don’t complain on me and I won’t complain on you. I’m surprised she didn’t pitch a fit when I asked her to lower the TV but look how long that lasted; two days at the most.
She probably wouldn’t do anything about the music unless I blasted it at night, in which case she’d call the police. That’s what all vindictive people do; they run to the cops.
The beast next door behaved yesterday evening, from what Tom tells me. He’s also decided that the two-bedroom, gas-heated house close to work would be our best bet if it’s still available as I vibe it is. If not, then this tiny trailer might be a possibility. We don’t know what’s around the trailer, but the only thing I don’t like about the other house is that the driveway of the house behind it, which shares a yard with it, runs right alongside the bedrooms. At least we think it does. The good is that no dogs are allowed unless the noise curse sics another Patty and beast on us down there since the law requires that they accept that shit. The yard, he said, appears unkempt. Off to the other side of the house is a huge yard, also unkempt. Tom hasn’t seen any dogs there, but I’m sure there will be if we move in.
It’s looking more and more like our best bet is going to be to try to avoid licensing the truck till we get ready to leave the state. Therefore, we may have the truck towed down there and get a coworker of his to help us move. The question then will be, can we rely on them? Nobody gives a damn about us. Nobody. And those that do are totally unable to help us in any way. Also, if we do get someone we can rely on, will their mother die the day we need them to help us move?
A part of me wishes we could just stay here, but we can’t get out of this state with another winter of killer electric bills, and I can’t deal with another year of barking, door-slamming and wet windows. I know it’ll be noisy no matter where we go, but it’s time to swap these sounds in for others. I just may have to sleep in the living room if we get that house because if the fan won’t block out the doors next door here, it won’t block out the car doors there, because I know they’ll be home all the time, whoever they are, and that they’ll have company 4 times a day.
I don’t mind being without the truck till we leave the state. Tom could walk to work and take the bus to the grocery store. We’ll save a ton of money not licensing the truck, and that would leave us extra money to save for the move and to have a bit of extra spending money along the way for things like fragrance oil. I’ll just have to keep the purchases small in both cost and size.
We may even sell the truck once we get moved and pick up something a little bigger before the move. Meanwhile, it sure would be convenient to stay with this management company if we could. That way we wouldn’t have to deal with application fees. Plus, this company, so far, is a good one.
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