Thursday, August 18, 2005

I started to get psyched up realizing that since the new neighbor will be home all the time since we absolutely must live with the disabled and the lazy, there won’t be as many car doors if days pass without her going anywhere, but her company will make up for it. It’s those who are home all the time that have a lot of company. Those that work don’t want to be bothered by people as much. They want to just relax alone after being with people all day.

There were a few minor barks so far today, but still enough to annoy me and enough to make her deserve to hear a little from me in return. Miss Red Pickup is over there now. I’ve been hearing a few scattered bumps and bangs. I wonder if this person could be the housekeeper, but no one needs their place cleaned a few times a week unless she’s that big of a slob.

I just hope the new neighbor will let me sleep in the bedroom! Thanks, God, for blessing me with this sleeping/schedule problem. You’re so kind and wonderful.

I hope even more that she doesn’t have a kick-ass car stereo. Complaining would do us no good. People don’t get those kinds of stereos to be told to turn them down.

Anyway, the move is on for the 26th. I don’t know if we’ll be going by U-Haul or a coworker, but it’s looking like we at least won’t be forced to license the truck. Pam scared him for a minute there by saying, “Let me see if she’ll hold it that long.” Tom remained calm while she called the owner, but was remembering that she originally mentioned holding it till the 1st. Fortunately for us, the owner said she’d hold it because we don’t have much more time left to get another place.

Sometimes I still think it’d be neat to have a dog of our own with a doggie door, but we move every few months to every few years, so a dog would just be a real nuisance. They’re just too damn noisy anyway.


The elephant is over there now. At least I think it is. I can’t tell for sure if it’s an adult with a heavy gait or a kid. The car looks like it may be the same one who spent the night two nights ago, but I can’t see enough of it this time around to be sure. It’s pulled way up which makes me think they’ll be staying a while.

Eight days and counting!


Damn! What is it with this bitch and company? This is as much company as the freeloaders would have. There’s a silver car there now. Bev didn’t even have this much company and 90% of it was the same guy. How can all these people afford to come visit her in the middle of a workday? Does anyone else other than Tom work in this damn town? At least there doesn’t appear to be any animals over there. I’m surprised no one’s out back. It’s nice out right now. If it’s just adults, though, it shouldn’t be a problem. It’s the fucking kids and the way they scream bloody murder at the tops of their lungs that’s a problem. Meanwhile, the dog is out back and sure to be ignored if it decides it wants in.

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