Thursday, August 11, 2005

Ok, time for an update on the latest shit from the rude assholes we’ve got around us here. I awoke hot barely 6 hours into my sleep, and as I rose to turn the AC up, the dog started going crazy, making it impossible to fall back asleep. Every time I’d come close to falling back asleep, I’d wake back up. So I got up and found a message from Tom saying that the dog went crazy and that there were paramedics next door, but she must’ve called them by mistake because they weren’t there long.

Oh, I doubt they were a “mistake.” I think she decided she needed a quick sympathy fix and so she sicced the dog on us so it wouldn’t get in her way when the paramedics arrived. They’ve probably been to see her before too, so once they saw she was just fine, they left.

Well, I guess it’s obvious that no one’s complained on her yet, not that I think it would do them a damn bit of good if they did. This is someone who’d rather allow herself to be evicted before she’d control the dog. Spiting others would be worth it to her. It’s more important to her than getting along and staying out of trouble, but trouble’s just what she’s in for as soon as Tom leaves later this morning. I’m going to be stomping around here so badly and blasting music like crazy. I’ll even start with the bedroom window open and hope I annoy next door too, while I’m at it, who also didn’t make things easy for me.

After having coffee, I realized I was still tired. By now it was dark and cooling down, so I turned off the AC and opened the window. However, I could hear them going back and forth just fine, and of course their floodlight was obnoxious too, so I didn’t fall back asleep till nearly midnight, and I only slept for a little over an hour. I feel better now than I did earlier, and hopefully this will push my schedule around faster.

Yesterday’s shit fit with the dog really makes me wonder why she’s been bothering to keep it indoors more often. Did she get a complaint and decide she’d only control it when she didn’t have company? I figured it’d be watering day too, since it had been a whole two days since the nut watered, and that calls for more dog activity right there.

I’m so sick of noise and poverty!!! That’s all I’ve ever known throughout the bulk of my adult life, and for a while, I just accepted it as a fact of life. I knew that was how it was going to be, so I just went with it. Lately, however, it’s getting harder and harder to do. Knowing we’ll always be struggling in the midst of rude, noisy neighbors is one thing. Accepting it is another. It’s just not ok anymore. We’ve had enough and we deserve to move on and get ahead in life yet the fucking bastard in the sky who’s ignored my pleas yet again, won’t let us! Why do I even make a fool of myself by bothering to pray to something that doesn’t give a shit about me?! Well, I know I won’t be making that mistake again! I pray for help and the joke’s on me, so fuck it!

I missed my bangs so I cut them back. I think they look better on me. I just wish my face weren’t so damn full, but that’s another thing I can’t change. It’s just me.

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