Friday, December 23, 2005

Damn that OLS! They are really driving me nuts! They waited till 2 AM to go offline this morning rather than 1:00, and I had to wait and hour and a half to finish up with my last 6 pages. Then when I got back it said I had 49 pages of dailies when I really have 33. The pages beyond page 33 were blank, though. I did a backup of ‘My Sweeps’ because in the forums one of the people managing the site said he was sorry if anyone lost anything in ‘My Sweeps’ and that they’d had something that went corrupt on them. Whatever it is, I’m sick of this shit! Totally sick of it. And they’re out again now, too. I sent in my second complaint and said hey, when I became an OLS member I was under the understanding that I’d have full 24-hour access to the site.

I intend to complain each and every night that this happens, but hopefully they’ll get enough complaints about the late-night shut-downs that they’ll quit fucking around with things. I’d hate to have to join some other sweep site.

In better news, I’m going to get those 2 free samples they left out of my order after all. I sent them a message letting them know their scents and service were great and that there was just one small glitch with my order. After I explained it to them, they sent a reply apologizing and said they’d get them right out to me. That’s way cool of them. Bendejo wouldn’t do that when I’d inform him of the scents he’d gyp me out of.

I was reading an article about how husbands change over the years but come to think of it, I see very little change in Tom. He may have a few more gray hairs and his low appetite may’ve dropped to zero, but he’s still the same. If anything he’s greatly improved as far as making false promises and procrastinating goes. Other than that, he’s still the same old Tom. Still mellow overall, still rarely swears, still a slob, and still seems obsessed with being the opposite of me. I don’t know what’s bugged me more in life; those that go out of their way to be different than me, those that try to get me to be just like them as Andy would, or those that try to be like me as Nervous would.

After today he’s on vacation, and if he even thinks of initiating sex, the answer’s no! I’m not going to be his “vacation screw.” He won’t, though, I’m sure of it. We’ve had the bed for over a month now. You don’t wait that long if you truly have the desire to screw, and that’s only half the issue. The other half is that I myself have no desire and so I simply see no need for us to have a few screws every year or two just for old-time’s sake.


I hope Tom is okay. I was sitting here at the computer when he left for work. A minute later I heard him fall down the icy steps. I got up and saw him kneeling in the walkway. Although he stood up very shakily and slowly, he assured me he was ok and limped off to work. That’s the third time he’s fallen that I know of. He better be more careful before he really hurts himself!

Just when I was about convinced that the package curse was off, we learned that one of the Barbies was shipped to Illinois. When they realized that was a mistake, they pulled one from a warehouse in Washington, so it oughta be here soon. At least it’s only a few days’ delay.

I’m still having loads of fun sampling my new scents. I’ve sampled about 40 so far and have 51 more to go. There are only 6 I can’t stand so far. Who’d have thought hazelnut and honey could smell so bad? Yet their Hazelnut, Nut Medley, Nutmeg, Honey, Hollyberry and a couple of the perfumes are just horrible! They’ve definitely earned a trip to Paula.

From what I’ve read, both Tom and I agree that making my own lotion should be easy. You just add an ounce of oil per pound of lotion bass.

Tom should be home around lunchtime today to begin his holiday vacation. Fortunately, I’ll be up most of the day to receive any packages that may come. Some fucking cock woke me up real early in the evening with its stereo, though I did fall back asleep. I wish I could always be on days! I not only sleep better at night but then I could be awake to receive packages, especially the ones I have to sign for. I could also dodge the late-night OLS outages unless they decide to start fucking things up during the daytime, too. Tom thinks they’re trying to recover from a hard drive failure a little at a time. Yeah, well, I just wish they’d quit doing it on my time!

We still have tons of stuff to look forward to package-wise, both from purchases and wins. It’s so weird yet wonderful! I’m enjoying every minute of it because I know nothing lasts forever.

If someone had told me just a few months ago that at the end of January I’d be able to swipe just about all the outfits I want from the Tonner boutique I never would’ve believed it! It’ll cost around $400, but that month Tom expects to get a lot of overtime.

Today should be a good sign as to whether or not a partnership or a huge salary raise is in the near future just by what type of bonus he gets. He said that although he expects a $50 gift certificate, he says he may get a $100 certificate for being a manager. And I’m hoping for more than that because that’d surely be a good sign!

Unless it’s pure wishful thinking, my vibes say we won’t leave this state till he’s 52. That’s 4 years from now, so if I’m right, then something really good has to happen in order for me to suffer through that many more winters!

I hope to be up this New Year’s Eve. I think part of the reason I may’ve done a lousy job with the year’s predictions last year was that I slept through it while Beverly annoyed Tom with an hour’s worth of music. It’s amazing how shitty the year started off as opposed to how it’s ending! There’s simply no comparison. I was so bummed out at this time last year, so sure we’d be broke forever, knowing we had a long way to go before we could move into a house, etc.

Well, since I am up to date on my sweeps and new sweeps aren’t coming in very fast, I guess I’ll go do something I don’t do too often these days – work on my story.

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