Monday, October 23, 2006

Boo-hoo, Lizzie doesn’t like me. Poor me. At least I got to see her. She had her hair up in a ponytail today. I dig her nice smooth skin too, though she’s pale. Even paler than me. Nonetheless, she hardly even glanced my way. She barely glanced at me when I first walked in and said “hi,” and I’m not even sure she saw me. At the check-out, she glanced at me for half a second and that was it. No “how are yous” or anything. Tom said it’s hard to like someone on a job, but as I reminded him, Jane sure did. I think my influencing experiment’s just not working, even though an article I read suggests we’re “wired to connect.” The article spoke of this guy who was in therapy for a year when he proposed to his girlfriend and then his therapist shared his elation when he reported that she had accepted. They were then wired to special equipment that showed that the therapist was in tune emotionally with him and on the same wavelength, so to speak, at feeling the guy’s joy. Well, I’d sure like to know I can wire chicks I’m attracted to into liking me back, but maybe I’m just not likable. After all, I am fat and older. Well, then I guess I can still hope to wire anyone that may have bad intentions in mind for us like when we go to buy or build a house.

Tom and I are doing a wiring experiment of our own over the next few days. Without telling each other what we’re going to try to influence the other to do, we’re seeing if we can connect and send the message to one another. I’m trying to influence him not to be such a slob. He’s probably trying to influence me to talk softer and swear less. Or maybe not to worry about being woke up or working out the trip details. One thing I do know and that’s that he isn’t trying to get me to want to have sex with him! Good, because it wouldn’t work.

Speaking of those last two things, we sent in the port taxes. It’s a good thing we can afford to do that since it’s like paying the rent more than twice when you factor in the passport costs and the fact that we haven’t yet gotten the money from the wakeboard. Someone from Sandy Beaches Cruises left a message afterward, so Tom’s going to call them tomorrow to let them know payment’s on its way, and ask if there’s anything else we need to do in the meantime.

The blimp and her roommate were wonderfully quiet all day, then we heard two insanely loud slams before the car left in the evening, then one when it returned. Then at 10:30, just as someone’s done the last few nights, they left quietly. They had no company, though.

This is the first period in years that I haven’t had to use liners before it was due. The spotting I’ve had thus far has been very minimal. I asked Tom if he thought I influenced it and he said he doesn’t see who else could have. I just wish I could influence my weight to melt away at least a little, as well as for Liz to dig me! Gorgeous, hot, young Liz who’s no doubt sound asleep in the arms of her boyfriend or husband right now. Hey, she could be in his arms all she wanted if she’d just pay attention to me every now and then. But no, lust is a sin for Jodi S.

I check the Real Doll site every now and then and that Asian one named Kaori is still the best and I’ve decided to save the black shoes I won with the heel that’s too high for the mannequins. The mannequins are a size 8 and Kaori’s only a size 7, but that’s okay. She won’t mind.

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