Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tom will be here in a few minutes and then we’ll be going to the PO with our passport applications that we filled out online and then printed out.

Meanwhile, I expect a noisy day from next door seeing that it was quiet yesterday. There’s already been a round of door slamming. It’s just her car over there, but she’s got someone with her because I could hear them talking.


The leaves are falling and the canal’s draining. Tom said the colder weather would curb her company, but I don’t see it and it’s certainly colder! Century just pulled in so I’ve cranked up the tunes because I don’t want to hear it while they load/unload whatever the fuck it is they’ve got to load/unload. Tom said her car wasn’t there when he left for work, so she must’ve been just getting in when I heard her before we left.

It took us just under an hour and went faster than expected. We simply went down to the PO, gave this lady our forms, signed a paper and that’s it. In 6-8 weeks we’ll get our passports and birth certificates back. Now, all we have to do is cash our e-prize checks and get Tinkerbell a roommate.

Given where my schedule’s headed, I doubt I’ll be able to see Liz this Saturday. A part of me wondered if Tom’s presence would block any influencing progress, but it didn’t stop Jane from letting me know she liked me. Jane and Liz are two very different people, though.

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