Sunday, December 24, 2006

Went to the store Friday afternoon. I was tired and it was crowded, but we had fun. We got the $50 iSwag check cashed, amazingly enough, and had lunch at King Wah. I had their pork fried rice, which was as awesome as always.

We then went to K-mart, knowing it’d be less crowded than Fred’s and certainly Walmart. I got new socks and undies and a pair of jeans, too. At size 16 you know you’re a big one! They’re a little higher cut and baggier than I’d like and they make me look bigger, but for variety’s sake, they’re fine. Not as comfy as sweats, which I prefer most, but a nice change when I want one.

I also got 4 Barbies! Two were on sale and the other two were a buy-one-get-one-free deal.

I got 5 imposter body sprays and some makeup remover.

He got socks, two pairs of jeans and a pair of shorts. Men’s shorts go to the knees now, which I think looks a little goofy, but at least he now has a decent pair of shorts.

Today he bought our tickets for $650 at Delta’s site. The plane leaves at 6:30 AM Saturday, so we’ll probably rent a car one-way to Portland and drive overnight, fly out, get a motel in Florida, then hit the cruise the next day. When the ship returns, we’ll get a motel in Florida, then plane and train our way back the next day.

Next door still appears to be in the process of moving out.

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