Saturday, June 30, 2007

The new laptop came and it’s really cool and all that, but it’s really messing up my routine while we try to configure it and all that. I’m getting way behind on both the sweeps and Netwinner. Yet Tom’s got to work today so he’s not here to help me out of the jam I got in after he left this morning. I was fine until I suddenly couldn’t do anything anymore. I thought the mouse we plugged in malfunctioned, but that wasn’t it.

I don’t want to get my hopes up what with how hell-bent God’s been about keeping me glued to cities, but Tom not only learned which parts of Sacramento are whiter than others, he discovered some rural towns with cheap housing very close to the city. The only catch is that there’s a slight elevation. Not a huge elevation like Klamath Falls, but enough of one to cause a dusting of snow in December and January. I’d hate to have to see another flake! However, if I have to take a little dusting to get some peace and space, I’ll take it. The good part is that the winter temps are still the same, so it wouldn’t be like moving to another cold climate, or one that was still kind of cold.

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