Monday, June 11, 2007

Tom says the Brandy case is still in the courts, last he heard, but either way, I’m sure the black bitch will walk.

The little kiddies next door have been surprisingly quiet. Guess God just wanted to give me a sneak preview of the chaos to come in California, although it has been a bit cooler. Once we jump back up to the 80s, I’m sure the show will go on.

The guitar only got up to $20 and the diamond to $31. People don’t want to pay shit for shit!


I’m trying to stay up as long as I can so I won’t be too tired to go to the bank tomorrow, as Tom emailed me from work to say is on for tomorrow. He wanted to talk to Mr. Acre first to make sure it was convenient for him. At least I won’t have to walk there.

What a definite, definite curse from God, this schedule thing. It’s just one more of thousands of reasons to hate Him.

It’s in the 70s again and getting noisy. I’m surprised the animals next door aren’t having a pool party, but I’m sure they will tomorrow when it’s even warmer.

The good news, as much as I still hate to travel, is that Paula said I’ve got almost 7 years to take the trip, so I’d say yes, we’re definitely going to Italy at some point. And yes, those wonderful parents God blessed me with will get a surprising postcard if they haven’t croaked yet which I doubt. They’re too evil to die in their mid-70s. It’ll be another 10-15 years before God kills them off.

When I think of how they pawned me off on so many different people and places starting at such an early age, then escalating as I got older, it really is sad that one can do that to their own kids. And sick, too. I’m sure they have no idea whatsoever how abandoning me has made me feel. They wouldn’t want to. They’d simply tell me not to look back. “Don’t look back.” That was always one of their favorite lines. I’d love to see them say that had they been in my shoes, but maybe now that their daughter has turned the tables on them and given them a taste of what it’s like to be dumped and ignored for a decade, they aren’t as quick to recite that famous motto of theirs. Well, I’ll never have money like them, I’ll never live in peace, but I’ll never again be hurt by them either!

The bad news is that Paula’s sending legal documents overnight, so I’m sure this means I’ll have to have shit notarized and all that fun stuff. Why didn’t I switch things to using his name sooner?!?! I just didn’t know I’d go winning trips like crazy!

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