Saturday, December 20, 2008

I just read an article on how the proud bigoted sponsors of Prop 8 are seeking to nullify some 18K Cali marriages. My God, this is so sick. Just sick! And you know what? The bigots WILL succeed and they ARE correct in saying that the Supreme Court has no authority to overturn the ban. Then once they see that they can destroy what gays have built up in a state this big, they’ll be after Massachusetts & Connecticut next. I swear gays will never get ahead. Never! I still can’t believe there are people in this world that miserable that they’d rather spend their time breaking up people’s marriages, than doing something constructive and meaningful. It makes me sicker than sick! I can see legally discriminating against groups of people 100 years ago, even 50 years ago, but today in 2008, almost 2009?! God, this world and the people in it really make me just want to throw up or move to a whole ‘nother planet!

It’s so weird seeing a place go from liberal to conservative. Usually, it’s the other way around if a place is going to change at all, but sadly, the farm animals here have more rights than some humans. Hate is a contagious thing and I have to wonder if it’ll ever rub off on me as there is so much of it around me.

In other news, the dogs drove me crazy again yesterday. From what Tom can see when he’s driving in and out, Jesse’s schedule isn’t as predictable as we thought it would be. He’s there sometimes in the afternoons and gone in the evenings. When I got up in the evening they were going off and he said he thinks someone picked him up because he heard a different vehicle. Well, either way, I’m SICK of this shit every time he leaves! I still intend to drop him a note about it too, but don’t know when. Tom obviously isn’t going to get that job in Roseville, thanks to whatever’s up there that doesn’t want me insured or to ever see a dentist again, and I’d rather wait till we find out if he’s ever even going to be able to work again in the first place before I say anything. Why bother if we’re still destined to die, even though I haven’t had bad vibes? People are sensitive, especially guys. So even though I don’t think Jesse will take it the wrong way, I’d like to know whether or not our income could ever be enough to escape any possible trouble here. But I’m not going to let the possibilities, however slim they may be, scare me from having a word with him no matter where we end up financially which will probably be dirt poor since I have no reason to assume otherwise. We’re the paying customers here and peace and quiet are supposed to be part of what we get. That’s why we came here in the first place, and we told him and Maryann that, too.

He used to be home just as much on weekends as during the week, but that’s not always the case anymore. Therefore, I can’t count on a peaceful weekend just because it’s the weekend. It’s definitely not like it used to be around here! At least I haven’t seen the renter’s dogs, though I’m not ready to assume they’re gone. That’d be too good to be true; to have had them here for just 4 months.

Let’s see, what else? I got a Christmas card from Paula and won a T-shirt for Tom.

The rats have figured out how to get my attention when I’m in the bedroom with the door shut at night working on the computer. They can’t squeal like guinea pigs so they just run around and shake the cage like an earthquake has hit it! Bendejo actually let me pat him, but that was only because he had climbed up the front wall of the cage and couldn’t exactly run away that easily. Puerco (pig) which I now call the other one, is getting rounder by the minute. Seriously, I never had a rat eat like this before! He isn’t my Tinkerbell, but he at least lets me handle him and is definitely friendlier, even if it’s mostly because he’s obsessed with food in which I’m the source!

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