Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Yesterday really sucked between all the barking and the damn allergies that were driving me crazy.

It’s sad to know that in just a little over an hour, the barking will start up and be a problem on and off for the next 10 hours or so. It sounded like he had the grader running from about 4:30 - 5:00, too.

We talked about other alternatives to shooting them or complaining, such as taking them for a drive and dumping them wherever, but this is a small town and so that’d be too risky. I think it’d be best to have a talk with him. After all, we’re the ones paying here, so it’s perfectly reasonable to ask to have some of the peace restored around here. Like I said, I’m not sure his returning to work is such a good thing. All we did was swap engine gunning in for barking, though we still hear the motorcycle on weekends, and sometimes even in the evenings after work.

I dreamt that he came down and Tom talked to him while I was sleeping and told me that he said he couldn’t “set things up any differently” where the dogs are concerned. Well, I hope that’s not a dream premonition because that’d be bullshit if he said that for real. The dogs could be moved behind the house. I can see enough of the place when we drive in and out to tell that much. They don’t have to be right in front. I think that Jesse may feel that putting them in front would deter burglars better, but either way, I’m the one who has to deal with it and I’m getting mighty sick of it, too. Something needs to be worked out! I don’t know if he realizes the racket they make when he’s gone, but I’m not going to just sit back and take it even if I suddenly knew we’d win big and would only be here till the summer or something like that. If he wants to knock off a couple hundred from the rent, then yeah, I’d sit back and take it.

So anyway, I had sneezing fits on and off all day yesterday and was so miserable that all I could do was lay around between the combination of having a stuffy, runny, sneezy nose and the drowsiness caused by the stuff I took. I have over 400 new sweeps to catch up on, even if most of them are going to be bloggy crap. Also, the house needs cleaning and I haven’t exercised for a couple of days, though I am back down to 134 pounds and ready to lose more weight. I did very well at Walmart yesterday even though everything looked so good. The muscles around my entire ribcage are pulled from all the sneezing I did yesterday, so I’ll probably just run and skip the ab crunches. I have to wonder, though, am I always going to have allergies this bad as long as I remain in warm climates? That’s a really sucky thought!

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