Thursday, December 30, 2010

Woke up at 12:30 and thought wow, this is the third day in a row I woke up at this time. But then I closed my eyes and didn’t open them again until 2:30.

No exciting dreams last night other than painting a room with Maliheh with music blaring, sitting by a pond and then riding a bike.

We’ve been having a cold spell. We froze last night and it will freeze tonight, too. It’s not fair that Maliheh’s going to be almost 70º in a few days, though we will be back in the 50s soon enough.

I decided to take an Aleve rather than bug Tom for a backrub. I know he’d do it, but most people don’t like to give backrubs, so I popped a pain pill instead. I get backaches before periods which may be starting now even though it’s not supposed to for a few days.

Didn’t talk to Maliheh yesterday, but I did talk to Nane. She’s going back to Turkey next week and says she’ll read my story there. I still don’t get how she can’t afford to move there till she retires, but can vacation there 3 or 4 times a year. And why have an apartment and not a house if you can afford trips like that? That’s like going from New England to Florida.

I sent Mitch and Maliheh copies of my story, but I don’t expect either of them to read it. When I don’t hear from Maliheh like this, I get a touch of what it’s like to be Marie and find a part of me wondering if she’s mad at me. But the difference between Marie and I is that I know she’s just busy, not as into me as I am into her, and that she would’ve told me if she were mad at me.

I decided to update my bio every year instead of every few years. It’s easier to remember things that way, especially since a lot seems to happen even when things are basically the same. Only I won’t be publishing it online since I’ve been doing daily journaling for some time now.

This weekend we’re going to look for voice recognition software to download. I’m thinking that if I could speak the skeletons of my stories out, despite the fact that I type very fast, it would make things easier for me if all I had to really worry about was the editing, which is 75% of story-writing anyway.

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