Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I’m selfish. I really am. I’m nothing but a cold-hearted bitch who puts herself before almost everyone and almost everything. But I did say almost. The more I care about you, the more I will want to aim to please you, and if you’re that good-looking on top of it, I just may stand on my hands all day for you if you asked me to. But if I don’t know you and I stumble across you bleeding to death, chances are I’m not going to try to save you unless there’s something to gain from it or there’s a chance you might bleed all over my favorite shirt or something like that. But as long as I don’t know or care about you and there’s nothing to gain from helping you and no favorite shirts at risk, then you’re welcome to continue on your merry way of bleeding to death. :) In other words, you “collectors” out there can take all your friend requests and shove them up your asses! Really, why would you want to be friends with someone who wishes her siblings would cease to exist so she doesn’t have to share her inheritance?

It’s just after 8am on Tuesday morning as I write this in Word, waiting for our internet connection to return so I can copy it into my blog. We recently had a big storm so hopefully all it is is them fixing whatever the storm may’ve damaged. It’s been down since 7:00. If it’s not back by noon I’ll call Tom and leave him a message.

I’ve been getting some surprising and unfortunate reports about people insisting they’ve been to my blog that has failed to show up on my tracker, and also a lack of a ‘leave comment’ button appearing on their end so they could leave comments. It explains some things, though. There have been times lately when I don’t get any traffic – or at least don’t appear to – for up to 5 hours at a time, which I thought was a bit weird. Between that and the lack of comments I just figured I was getting boring. Nothing exciting usually happens in my life. I’m just a middle-aged, happy but imaginative housewife who would never leave her hubby, but who also wishes she could be with someone she was never meant to have. And speaking of comments, I don’t want any saying she would’ve made my life hell and that I’d be so miserable I’d just want to die and all that shit! But that’s the extent of my life. I sit here wishing and waiting to be insured and to have a home of our own, away from annoying landlords. But I also enjoy doing the things I love to do, half the time with a rat on my shoulder, and interacting with those I care about, intimately or not.

Maliheh was one of those whom I finally heard from last night. She said she looked in on my blog twice that day and the day before as well, so my tracker was obviously not working at least for a while.

She was also unhappy – not mad – but unhappy that I mentioned her being on vacation, reminding me to please not mention anything we talk about. Of course I’ll try harder to remember not to mention even the most trivial things, but sometimes I get sick of people complaining and all the things they’ve been asking me to do or not to do lately. Maliheh doesn’t want things mentioned, Andy doesn’t want things mentioned, Dieter didn’t like how I used the word “motherfucker” in my status, but isn’t it supposed to be my journal and my status updates? Why do people bother reading these things if they’ve got a problem with them anyway? Dieter insisted he didn’t have a problem with me, just that one word, but in cases of things like this that can’t hurt us, wouldn’t it be easier not to read them than to complain? I can see how Maliheh would worry she could’ve lost her job over the story, but it just seems silly to complain over people’s use of words and if they say they’re on vacation of all things. Half the world is on vacation now!

Maliheh assured me, though, that that’s not why she hasn’t been around, but because she’s been busy instead, trying to get her place in order and taking Booty to the vet for minor surgery.

But I thought the second home organizer she had out to the house already got her place in order.

I’m sick of all tech issues! People flying under radar on my blog, emails never received, downloading/uploading issues… the list goes on and on. I wonder if the drama queen got the email I told her on FB I’d send her. It just seems odd that she wouldn’t respond, but so be it. I still don’t wish to be in touch with this person anyway.

I know this may be considered mean but I did a major Facebook friend cleanup job the other day, cutting my friend count from 47 to 31. I just wanted to keep those I’ve actually met or talked to and weed out the collectors.

Now that damn cock is hammering and slamming something around up there. It never takes a day off! We rented a house much older than this trailer up in Oregon and we had only a few problems in the two years we were there, yet there’s always something going on around here. Always. We are just sooo cursed in the neighbor department! And it’s obvious he’s not going to stop this shit anytime soon or get a new truck. So we’re back to the home-all-the-time neighbor that just can’t sit still for long. I’m kind of surprised, too. He was never home before, so I didn’t expect him to be home all the time all of a sudden.

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