Thursday, December 2, 2010

I’m enjoying the peace and quiet until Jesse starts his usual racket which should be any minute now. Tom said that by the looks of the back of his pickup, it looks like he’s been hauling stuff away.

I dread the day he creates the little road he said he wanted to create in back so he can drive his truck down to the well. I still say it’s too steep, but if it’s not, I hope to hell that’s something he’ll decide not to bother with! Especially while we’re still here. That’d be so damn annoying, not to mention take quite a while to do.

My life would be damn near perfect if I just didn’t have this ear and teeth pain. It’s been bad again and I woke up in pain last night and this morning. And I still don’t understand why the pain starts in my ear and spreads to my lower jaw. I guess the pressure of the dead skin building up inside could cause the achiness to spread out. God, I totally regret the day they made this ear canal! Totally! But we’re back to putting baby oil in it, the fucking thing. :(

Other than Jesse’s noise, pain and being fat, life is great. Tom might have gotten a raise, Maliheh and I have been having great talks, the rat’s loads of fun even if he’s a bit more destructive than I’d like, my parents sent two $25 Red Lobster GCs for my birthday, Eileen sent a birthday/Chanukah card, and Tom will be picking up my perfume samples on the way home from work. Then, between shopping points and the points I’ll get for reviewing the samples, I’ll have about $18 in credit toward my next order. :)

Tom wonders if he got a raise because the 3 days he got paid for last week was $30 more than he expected. We didn’t think they gave raises to temps, though, so we’ll find out for sure next Wednesday when he gets paid again. If he did, that’s a hell of a raise. :) I just wish they’d hire him on!

We’ll probably be going to Red Lobster on my birthday, which my blog will decide is just one day away at 5pm. I don’t know why the blog times are off, but I definitely have it set to Pacific Time. We’re going to go between lunch and dinner in hopes of it being less crowded then, but with my shit luck, some unruly kid will be wailing its ass off while its mother sits there oblivious to it all as was the case the last time we were there 3 years ago. We’re going to go to the one in Citrus Heights rather than Sacramento because it’s closer.

I was surprised my Helium account balance jumped from 37¢ to $3.39! Still slave wages, but I might’ve gotten twice that or even more if I hadn’t stopped. Maybe I’ll go back to it again for a while. It’s just that everyone complains about getting 20 or 30 cents a month. Those articles for $56 still say they’re “in process.”

We didn’t get to it last night as it started getting late, but Maliheh says the home organizer person ripped her off. She said she’d tell me about it tonight.

She said that while she’d never want to be 20 again, 33 was her favorite age. She was in good shape and didn’t need to exercise to fit into her jeans. She complains about bloating and extra inches around the waist that seems to occur in just a day, though she’s still steadily around 100 pounds. How it is she managed not to gain weight with age like the rest of us is beyond me. She’s lucky. But I myself do remember having days where I felt bloated even between 90-100 pounds.

She also said it was a pain in the neck for her to be with someone tall and doesn’t care about the person’s weight as long as she’s not crushed by them and they’re not so fat that their health is at risk.

Had an X-rated dream I sent her. Instead of telling me not to send it she instead reminded me after I sent it that while she thinks I’m a good writer and doesn’t want to hurt my feelings, she doesn’t like to read, especially adult material, regardless of the source. Good friendships are based on honesty, she added, saying she didn’t want to lie to me and that my feelings were important to her, and she hoped it wouldn’t hinder our chats which she does so enjoy.

“Hinder” our chats? As in making me hesitant to throw in those quick but sometimes frequent enough flirty things I hit her with? Like how I wish I could crawl into bed next to her (when she’s saying good night).

This is the third time she’s used the word “friendship.” But it also seems strange that she’d bother with me if the feeling weren’t somewhat mutual. Even Alison agreed, who I asked in private for her opinion. Again, I’m getting mixed signals just like 20 years ago. It’s ok, though. She’s still worth it. :)

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