Monday, November 17, 2014

Just when I was thrilled to do 10 minutes of strength training and could already feel my body strengthening back up, followed by 10 minutes on the treadmill, I discovered Romeo’s dying. He is very old now so I’m not surprised. I’m more surprised that Sugar is still alive. He’s pretty old too, and had a stroke last spring. I wonder if Romeo had a stroke (that and tumors are common rat killers) because when he crawled into the burrow, he was dragging his left leg. Even though Romeo wasn’t the greatest of rats, I still feel a pinch of sadness. 

Anyway, to back up to yesterday; it was a productive yet shitty day. I was both tired and dizzy all damn day; the dizzy spells being related to the hypothyroidism. Probably didn’t eat right either. 

Then I had a schedule scare of sorts, you could say. Despite being exhausted I managed to stay up 18 hours. But after 4.5 hours of sleep, I woke up. Not sure if a vehicle woke me up, something flying by, or if I woke up just because. It took me two hours to fall back asleep for another few hours. I had to take Melatonin (that was brave of me) to knock myself back out. Had I not been able to get back to sleep it might’ve messed up my schedule for Andy's visit. 

Woke up sort of groggy but an hour or two later I managed to perk up. Only one dizzy spell so far today, but who knows how I’ll feel later on? I just miss the old me that could go more than a day or two without feeling off be it physically or emotionally. 

I’m psyched for my online friend who has what I have and is feeling so much better since starting her own medication. I hope that’ll be the case when mine starts in a little over a week. I just have to make sure they don’t give me more than my body can handle. 

Although we won’t do most of the cleaning till the end of the week, Tom took off the shower doors in his bathroom and really got the things looking better. The people that last lived here were very lazy and years of calcium and shit like that had built up on them. 


Maliheh apparently checked out one of my blogs, (funny cuz I swore I dreamed about her last night) or was in her email folder where she stores my past emails to her. Most likely the email. I don’t understand why either. If she wants nothing to do with me, then why save them? It was definitely her, and I was wrong about her moving like I thought she did. She’s still on Wright Ct., a short dead-end road. The other times she came in were probably when she was out somewhere. Surprised she’d use Windows, though. 

Did she specifically open an email of mine, or did she just access the area they’re stored in? Whatever the case, it took her 2 minutes to do whatever she was doing. It’d be funny as hell if someone hacked that account. 

One thing I’m sure of… I want nothing to do with the vindictive, phony bitch. 

As for Doc Hottie, she was definitely on Facebook last night because she changed her profile and cover photos, one being with the guy she’s with. The friend request still says it’s pending, and my #1 guess still says she never got it. Thanks, God, for your never-ending obsession with keeping the hotties away from me unless they’re on the other side of the world. You’re wonderful. *rolls eyes* 

Anyway, I’ve made one last-ditch effort to flag her attention. If this doesn’t work, then it wasn’t meant to be. One thing I can’t stand to do is struggle or work at something that isn’t in my cards. I’ve always known we weren’t meant to be friends, but I still had to try just in case there was a million-to-one chance I was surprised. 

What I did was I shared a picture of hers containing a leatherback turtle. I figured she’d be more likely to be ok with that than if I shared a picture of her or someone else. I commented about the picture being “cool,” though the fucker’s uglier than ugly, and said I hoped she got the friend request and to please let me know if she’d rather not be added so I could cancel the request. Certainly, both God and Facebook would allow the share to appear in her list of notifications, right? Right? I just hope they’ll also let me know it if God forbid she does try to add or contact me. My guess is she might get a share notification but will choose to ignore it. 


The good doc hasn’t bitten my final piece of bait. Wow, she is really either doing a great job of ignoring me or she is totally in the dark, thanks to glitchy Facebook or maybe just God Himself. My guess is God doesn’t have to “break” things, but just make sure they don’t work. She may have not checked in since I shared her turtle pic, so right now I’m still leaning toward her not knowing of my request and messages. If I don’t hear anything from her in a few days, then yes, she’s got to be ignoring me. I can’t believe she wouldn’t at least get a share notification when I shared her pic.

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