Friday, November 28, 2014

Survived the first day back on the levothyroxine and have taken my second dose this morning. 

After I got up this morning we went to the lab. The girl who attempted to draw blood first had no luck. I don’t know if she missed the vein or what, but she had some guy come and do it and he had no problem. I don’t have any bruising or anything, but of course my heart started pounding for a minute there. I hate the tourniquet more than the needle, and the longer it takes them to find my miniature little veins, the longer it’s on. Tom remembered how they used a pediatric anesthesiologist when I had ear surgery in the '90s due to my tiny veins, but I don’t remember that. I take his word for it, though! I just remember I wet the bed since my 1-hour operation turned into a 5-hour operation, haha. 

I just hope my cholesterol levels are down since I started eating smarter. I really don’t want to go back on statins. 

Tom put the gear wheel on my bike yesterday. It will take some getting used to because you have to pedal more to go the same distance. Later on, we’re going out bike riding and hopefully, my heart will behave. My heart was racing a couple of days ago and I realized that if I had been on the bike or treadmill, or got on it at that time, that that would mean being in for quite a beat fest. 

Tom’s been having fun with his new toy – his 3D printer. I’m going to have him print a box for the rats to burrow in. Hoodie’s being an asshole. He’s not only taking food up to the higher levels of the cage knowing the others are too disabled to climb, but he jumps on their paper boxes and crushes them. The young fit furry bastard couldn’t care less about his roommates, LOL. 


I saw that Duolingo added Dutch to their list of language courses and decided to jump in and start learning. Since I already know quite a bit of German, it shouldn’t be too hard because it’s so closely related to that language. Probably just as ugly, but learning languages is what I do. Wish I could get myself to focus on just my Spanish since multiple languages tend to “fuse” together and want to compete with each other within the brain, but I’ve now lost count of how many languages I’ve studied. I’m not fluent in most of them, but I know enough to get by. 

I’ve been horribly tired the last couple of days and I don’t get why. I didn’t have fatigue before going on the thyroid pills and now I do? WTF? Not sure what’s causing it, but hopefully I’ll feel perkier tomorrow so I can do more things. I’ve been so lazy today. We’re all entitled to a lazy day here and there, and it felt good to relax when I wasn’t doing laundry or out bike riding, getting blood drawn, or doing some grocery shopping, but I want my energy back! 

I shut the door because Tom is 3D printing now and the thing not only kinda stinks, but it makes this sick, alien sound that’s almost creepy. 

We rode the bikes over a mile and I can definitely say that the gear wheel makes a huge difference. You still get a good workout, though, and don’t feel like you’re “cheating.” My heart got a little boom-happy on the way up the “rollercoaster” as I call the highest point in the park, but coasting down it, I got to relax and let it simmer down. 

No more going out alone, though. I’m not even going to exercise alone in the house. He has to be here and awake, but he’s more than ok with that because he wants to join me on my workouts anyway. Tomorrow we’ll work out together again but do different things. He’ll do the Wii and I’ll do my strength training and then run it off on the treadmill a bit. I’m glad he doesn’t mind the motivation and the company because I do NOT feel comfortable working out alone. Not until I can go a while without any anxiety attacks overworking my already elevated heart. 

I haven’t felt anxious in a while now. I’m hoping that the longer I can be on the meds without incident and get comfortable with my new doctors, the more it’ll ease my anxiety. 


Today ended up being a good mix of productivity and laziness between the two of us. We went to a dollar store after the lab, but most of what they had was total crap, though I did get a blue-patterned hair barrette and some cranberry-cherry body mist. Tons of Christmas decorations too, and I still don’t understand why I’m seeing this shit in November. Seriously, it’s not even December yet, but as soon as we headed next door to do the grocery shopping we had to listen to nothing but Christmas songs the whole time. Thank goodness I don’t work there. That’d drive me crazy to have to listen to that for two months straight! The day after New Year’s and out will come the Valentine’s Day shit. The day after that, out comes the Easter shit. If Christmas were the only holiday, would we start seeing decorations and singing Christmas carols in January? 

I have more to bitch about but I’m getting a bit tired. Oh well, let me bitch about my toe first. The ingrown toenail has definitely grown back and now I’m pissed that my old doc, sexy or not, didn’t do it right the first time around. Instead of “seeing if this would do the trick” and then promising to “really get it good” if it grew back, couldn’t she have done it right the first time so that I wouldn’t waste money and eventually have to deal with this shit all over again?

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