Saturday, November 8, 2014

Today’s the day we get our new living room set! First one in a decade, since I don’t exactly count the futon we had for the 5 years were in the trailer or the couch that was left here. 

I went out for a walk around 3:30. It was a gorgeous, dry 75°. As I walked down the street, a guy that was out raking leaves kinda looked at me funny. Then I circled around the block and passed by him a second time. That’s when he introduced himself as Ray and asked if I lived on Radiance. This guy’s about 4 houses down from ours. 

So I told him where we lived and he was surprised at how long we’d been there and that he hadn’t seen me before since he knew literally everyone in all 32 houses on the street. So well that he could even tell me there were 17 widows, 6 widowers, and that the average age on our street was in the 70s. I guess the woman across from us is Canadian, which he teases her about. We were, from what somebody told him, referred to as the “young people” that moved in on the corner. 

He was very friendly and talkative. When he asked if we were the ones with the Caddy, I said yes. He said he noticed that cuz he has one, too. His is a year older than ours. We’ve actually seen several caddies in this park, old and new. 

His wife, Lenora, is the editor of the monthly Crier. He said old people are opinionated and therefore quick to call with both comments and complaints. The slightest grammatical error and they’re quick to call, LOL. 

He’s been here 4 years and asked how I liked the park. I told him the same thing I’ve pretty much thought since we moved here; it’s a beautiful park, but it’s a bit noisier than I’d like during the weekdays. 

Then he mentioned how one of the houses we looked at, which is directly behind his house, was flipped and how they were doing renovations 7 days a week on it. He said he and others complained about the contractors coming in every single day, and that it’s backed off ever since. 

Wish they’d back off the landscapers and the woodworkers! I told him I sometimes found it distracting to hear someone landscaping one minute, someone getting some kind of home improvement done the next, and then someone sawing and hammering. I later came to regret mentioning Bob and his saw, realizing it may sound like I’m bashing him behind his back. He even went on to point out how close the houses were and all that, and I wonder if Bob mentioned my going to him about the sawing. Even more so when he told me not to hesitate to go to his place if I ever wanted any advice or had any questions. 

I might just be totally paranoid, but while I hope I haven’t offended anyone, I’m here to live. Not make friends and meet my neighbors’ approval. I have just as much right not to hear loud power tools barely a stone’s throw away, as Bob does to use the damn things. But it would be nice if the guy had enough consideration to close his garage door while he’s at it. :) 

Other than the little things people (and those that come to service them) may do to annoy me at times, those I’ve met so far are very nice. We still see Hazel sweeping from time to time, but I haven’t seen that guy, Ron, that I met our first summer here down by the lake. 


Our new living room set has arrived and it’s beautiful! So glad they didn’t have the chocolate brown and we could get the cream-colored one instead. It goes PERFECT with our carpet. 

The only thing that’ll take some getting used to is how incredibly firm it is, and the leather backing and base. But for its price, it is an awesome deal and it looks so great! As Tom pointed out, Andy will probably want to sleep on the chaise since the other part of the couch is a bit narrow unless you pull the cushions off the back. Still, it’s even a bit narrow for me. 

So the living room is now complete and this weekend we will be getting new plastic ceiling panels for the kitchen. Still got more to do, though, over the next few years – finish painting, pick up a new kitchen set, replace the toilets, medicine cabinets and shower doors, etc. 

I went to change the rats’ cage last night, and sure enough, as I was bent over scooping, my heart beat fast and hard. It was a lot like what happened on the bike. I went to lie down and then a light, but noticeable cramp hit me that was centered behind my left breast. This lasted about 5 minutes. After 5-10 minutes, I got up and was fine. What was UTTERLY AMAZING was that I didn’t panic and wasn’t even close to running and waking Tom up over it. Still, was this really “normal?” It may’ve been beating as fast/hard as it needed to, but it shouldn’t have “needed” to in that case. I was scooping rat shit. Not running for my life. Definitely gotta mention this to the doctor next Thursday. 

Tammy, who loved the living room set, is having an MRI done on her neck. I guess she might have a pinched nerve due to age and arthritis. She also said something about training to become a victim’s advocate but didn’t elaborate.

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