Sunday, November 2, 2014

Yesterday was a peaceful day. In the morning some small plane was circling the area and that was a bit annoying. Then the sky pigs hit the scene for a little while in the evening, but that was pretty much it. 

Was kinda surprised to find that Mary peeked in on my blog last night. Pretty sure it was her anyway. 

Looking for yourself, girl? You won’t find anything current because you’re in my PAST. :) 

Got a quick view from Molly too, on LiveJournal. She must be bored. She once told Aly she only checks my blog out when she’s “bored.” 

Got some light bulbs for the dining area and they’re said to last at least 22 years. Wow! 

Still feeling good other than the occasional “lump” in my throat kinda feeling, and what at least seemed like a bit of a racy heart after 3 rounds on the bike yesterday. Tom insists the thyroid has little to do with it and that I’m just super hyperaware right now, but that my heart elevated in a normal way that it should for the amount of exertion we put out. IDK, it still seems a bit extreme to me, but maybe he’s right. Maybe I’m just super aware and overly anxious after the levothyroxine made it race the way it did. I’ll have to ask the doctor about that. And why I get so many damn head rushes, too. 


Gonna get working on my NaNoWriMo story soon. I’m trying to do as much as I can to make up for those days I may be too busy to write. I have one visit, two appointments, and God only knows how many more appointments before the month is out. I expect the next several months to be full of appointments, actually. Eventually, I’ll have to get blood drawn, get a thyroid ultrasound, and then deal with my teeth and eyes. This isn’t counting anything else that may arise along the way. So… I’m currently on chapter 3 and over 4k words in my story. 

Another thing that’s got me stressed out is my schedule. It just won’t roll as fast as it used to because I’m not sleeping as long these days. Trying to stay up to flip it is tough at times and having to set the clock back an hour didn’t help either. 

We went to Target earlier and I got another Whisper lipstick by Maybelline. It’s the only lipstick I’ll wear. I just don’t trust lipstick in general these days with all the lip-plumping shit they put in some of them that make my lips sting like hell. I now have Made it Mauve, Mad for Magenta, and One Size Fits Pearl. Wanna grab Orange Attitude next. 

I also got an adorable 1-piece PJ set with a leopard print and amazingly it’s a size small. It’s even got a hoodie with little cat ears and whiskers. I tried on another brand and the bottoms were loose in the waist and snug in the ass. Then I spotted these 1-piece sets that I’ve always loved but haven’t owned in years. They’re good for those nights it’s under 50°. I can then drop the heat from 72° to 68°, which Tom doesn’t mind. He says he’s fine anywhere between 60° and 80°, LOL. 

If this thing shrinks in the dryer I’m going to be pissed I didn’t get a medium. Maybe I’ll get another pair in medium either way since I wouldn’t exactly be swimming in a medium, and I didn’t like the other designs they had in size small. I don’t care to be bedecked in Christmas trees. So if I can’t get small zebras or penguins, I can probably get them in a medium. Still, I’m surprised I could get this big old body into a small. 

I was telling Andy how we’re the only ones that see my fat and he said no one tells a woman she’s fat. Well, I’d hate to think two health professionals would kid me, but I’m not only not as mistrusting as Andy tends to be, but I also realize that different people perceive things differently. People’s standards of what’s thin vs. fat vary, but fat or not, how I feel is most important to me. 

Anyway, other than the pressure of keeping schedules, changing schedules, juggling schedules, and hoping for no bad reactions the next time I’m back on medication, life is good. And even better with hot chocolate with rainbow marshmallows… yum!

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