Sunday, November 30, 2014

All I remember for dreams last night was a dark brown rat that resembled a younger, healthier Romeo resting on the carpet by the wall. I said something to Tom like, “Aw, isn’t that so cute?” 

One of my parents (dad?) may’ve been in my dreams too, but I don’t remember any details. 

It’s still cold and rainy, and the levothyroxine is already thinning my hair out. Might stop dying it for a while because the dye adds to the thinning. Being old and gray is one thing, but old and gray and bald? Well, I may not care what others think, but I sure am selfish enough to care what I think. 

Would I be ok if I stayed the same weight forever? Absolutely. But after thinking about it for a few months I decided a change, for variety’s sake, wouldn’t hurt and am seriously considering doing Nutrisystem next year. No matter how many times you try to explain to people that how much you eat is just as important – if not more important – than what you eat and how much you exercise, they don’t get it. They just don’t get it, even though cutting off those extra calories can be extremely difficult. It leaves you tired and hungry as hell, but is usually the only way to lose the total desired amount of weight, especially us older folks. Nonetheless, Tom and I get it. We’re active, we eat healthy most days, but we both eat way too much. It’s going to be hard to stick to day after day, week after week, month after month, but the food is great and provides great variety for those of us who aren’t great cooks. 

In my younger days I could lose on 1400-1500 calories, but these days I gotta drop it to 1000-1200 given my height, age and gender. But that’s only IF I decide to go for it. I’ve got a month to think about it. Like I said, keeping the extra 20-30 pounds won’t kill me either, and smaller amounts are actually harder to lose. The more you have to lose the easier it usually is in the beginning till you get down to those last 20-30 pounds or so. 

So do I or don’t I? And will my bum thyroid even let me succeed? Well, should I fail to succeed the money at least won’t be wasted because the food is still going to get eaten either way. 

I was cracking up at Tom earlier who said, “If I did Nutrisystem for a month I’d be out of food in just two weeks because of how small the portions are.” LOL, but it works if you can stand to stick it out and your hypothyroidism doesn’t get in the way!

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