Thursday, June 14, 2018

Tammy said she’s having many tests done and that her new pulmonologist thinks she has sarcoidosis which is why she has issues with her lymph nodes. I thought this was determined years ago, though, and that she was up for a lung transplant. Or maybe they delayed it because she still smokes?

The info I looked up on sarcoidosis was contradicting. It says the average person dies 10 years after the onset of it, but then it says that many people with it live normal lives. She sounded fantastic the last time I heard her and she’s pulled through so much shit before that I don’t doubt that she’ll get through this as well.

Tom is on his way to the audiologist now and will be seeing my ENT next Tuesday.

Meanwhile, thank God for melatonin! No, I’m still agnostic so don’t read anything into that popular figure of speech, but yeah, I appreciate how it has delayed my schedule from rolling because the fiber-optics chaos has entered the circle. It’s right at the opening of it which is where our house is. I’m guessing they’ll spend the next week going around the circle which means I’ve got to hold my schedule as long as I can. There’s no cure for this type of sleep disorder so there’s only so long I can delay the inevitable jump in time, but let’s just say I was glad I got up at nine like I did this morning. Had I not taken the melatonin like I have these last four or five nights, I would normally be getting up in the mid-afternoon by now which means they would have woken me up just a few hours after crashing.

Anyway, I hear a whole symphony of jackhammers, saws, and something that runs loud and steady and almost sounds like a vacuum but not quite. The Internet went down hard for a while earlier.

Kind of tired today even though I slept long enough. Between my schedule and the hot weather, I haven’t been bike riding. In fact, I’ve been lazy overall and haven’t really done much working out indoors either. Sure have been on a roll with one of my stories, though.

Camp NaNoWriMo runs again in July but I’m not sure if I’m going to do it or not. It will depend on how far I get with the stories I’m working on now. I have enough writing projects at the moment.

OMG, banners with text messages popping up while I’m trying to work in Google Docs are driving me crazy! Totally disrupts my train of thought when I’m trying to write there, so hopefully the adjustments I made will stop that. Why is it that every time I go to write, people are blowing up my phone? LOL

Last night I dreamed I was in this large hospital room. It was rectangular in shape with rows of beds on both sides. I was in one of the beds and woke up to see about three cops smoking cigarettes. One of them said, “Should we open the door and air it out?”

“Yes!” several patients said, and I told them they shouldn’t be smoking in a hospital to begin with.

The only other dreams I remember are something about Tom watching people race in a parking lot on some kind of ATV, and then me asking some black guy if that was his needle I just found. He said no in a defensive way, assuming I was talking about a needle used to shoot up drugs.

“It’s a sewing needle,” I said, insulted by his false assumption but not surprised.

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