Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tom had his appointment today with my ENT and was as impressed with her as I knew he would be. Best ENT ever. She doesn’t think he’s got an ear infection, though. She thinks he had some kind of virus which he’s still suffering the effects of so she prescribed two weeks of Prednisone for him. Poor guy! He’s a lot braver than I am and he’s not scared or anything like that but oral steroids definitely have their side effects. I took them in my twenties back when I was a smoker. Jitteriness, insomnia, insane hunger, water retention… I remember well. Tammy has had to take them as well. Once I cared enough about my health to choose life over cigarettes, I haven’t needed them since. I’ve only been on antibiotics once in over two decades and that was for a tooth infection.

Anyway, this part wouldn’t necessarily scare me but I would be a bit nervous. He has to go for an MRI and they’re going to insert an IV with some chemical to make it easier to see. I’ve seen videos of MRI scans on YouTube and I know they’re insanely loud and you have to be really careful when it comes to magnets.

After the MRI he’ll have a follow-up with the ENT in a few weeks but isn’t sure yet if he’s going to stay with this Medical Group. It isn’t so much that the doctors screwed up but the group as a whole did. He did get some hearing back so it’s doubtful that he has a tumor which is what the MRI is going to look for, but had the Medical Group done its fucking job when it should have, he may have been able to recover all his hearing. At this point, it’s unlikely he’ll recover anymore.

Our ENT said that it could happen in the other ear and that he needs to call her right away if it does.

Anyway, she gave him a steroid injection in the bad ear and cleaned a little wax out of both ears for him. I’m glad I mentioned him to her when I saw her and I’m truly grateful to her for seeing him. :)

Sure enough, loud traffic woke me up a few hours after crashing and I took one of those Midnite sleep aids Aly recommended. It still took me an hour to fall back asleep and I’m tired today but I think it’s more because my sleep was disturbed than because of the stuff itself.

When I got up, Tom wasn’t in the house. I looked outside and saw him talking to the Twenties. They had some kind of decorative rocks or bricks delivered and the fiber-optics people worked further down the street behind the house. Tom suspects they’re going to hit the circle tomorrow. I just wish this fucking loud vehicle craze would stop already! I’m really REALLY tired of having my sleep stolen and my peace ruined. Even at night, it’s not always quiet. Not when the planes get to flying around like crazy. But it seems there’s always, always something. This is easily one of the noisiest places I’ve ever lived in. Oh, how I miss country living at times!

Becky, my VH sister, said her father down in Irvine might be having back surgery and asked how far I was from there. 435 miles, according to Alexa.

A funny joke Jon told Tom today: Why did the cross-eyed teacher get fired?

Because she couldn’t keep her pupils in line.

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