Thursday, June 21, 2018

I slept shittier than expected and I’m miserably tired. Tried to nap but once I’m up, I’m usually up even if I’m still tired. It wasn’t that I could hear them working in the bedroom, it’s that I could hear them driving by along with the loud car and every other insanely loud vehicle on the road these days.

The last time I was depressed about something going on in our lives was when we were poor. Now I’m starting to get genuinely depressed over knowing that this is the way almost every non-rural bedroom sounds like these days and that I’m simply not going to be allowed to sleep during the daytime no matter where we are for the rest of our lives. Things have simply gotten way too loud. Like I said, it’s starting to get me depressed but I’m trying not to let it because I’ve slept shitty for half a decade now and it hasn’t killed me yet. But we’ve done everything we can possibly do to get me to sleep through such ferociously thunderous noise. Maybe I should see the sleep doctor again or at least message him and ask if he has any helpful advice he could pass along.

It wasn’t just loud sounds. I woke up on my own a million times probably due to the stress. Either that or I was too hot or too cold. This place has officially topped the NHA.

I can still use the bike a few times a month while it’s warm then sell it when we move cuz I’ll have humidity AND noise in Florida. Really would have preferred to ride at night when the traffic and people are out of the way as opposed to when they’re in the way and I have the sun heating me up but that’s mostly going to be the only times I can ride. I should never have gotten a bike to begin with.

I’m trying to see the good in this and I don’t know, maybe it will prevent me from getting arthritic sooner than I might have because of the forced lack of activity.

The Midnite is worthless. Besides, there’s really no point in knocking me out if I’m just going to be woken up anyway, is there? All I can do is wait till I’m back on nights and then I should sleep better for a week or so.

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