Monday, July 16, 2018

Tom went back to work a little while ago and time will tell if they’re going to fuck with him or not. It may be weeks or even months before they lay him off if that’s what they have in mind.

Wish I had more to say but that’s really all that’s been going on. I’m just trying to be more active and eat healthier and keep busy. Still running journals through Grammarly and working on my stories.

I’m not liking how that loud car came in at 8:30 this morning and just left two hours later. They don’t seem to have any particular pattern so they’re definitely not working. If they are, then they’re working for their parents to be coming around this often. I can’t believe the parents would be okay with them continuing not to work while mooching off of them every single day. I just would have thought they’d put their foot down a long time ago and told them to get a job and a life. I’d be willing to bet they’re as single and childless as they are jobless too.

Catching up on texts with Aly and exchanged a few Skype messages with Tom. I don’t know how late he’s going to work. I’m just glad I don’t feel the least bit anxious and that I’m totally like my old self… Until the next flare gets me. I know the medication is going to start stabbing me again with anxiety sooner or later. For now, I’m enjoying feeling good while it lasts save for my rash. So, so glad he discovered the sleeping earbuds because they’ve helped tremendously! I feel much more rested and energetic when I’m awake now that I’m sleeping better. I still wake up on my own at times and like I said, I had that foot cramp the other day. But overall I’m doing much better in that department.

My rash is worse and it seems to be brought on by the heat. If I knew this was the worst it could get, I would just try to learn to tough it out. But I’m afraid that I’m not going to be able to keep it contained to where it’s at and that it’s going to take over my entire body. I’m tempted to return to my GYN or dermatologist but the last thing I want to do is add another appointment just for a temporary fix that comes with side effects.

Kim really seems to curse those who come in contact with her. Her great-niece who’s a toddler supposedly fell off her lap and had to go to the ER. It’s hard to believe she fell maybe two feet and needed to go to the ER, but of course, Kim’s never at fault for anything. We don’t know that she pushed the kid or did anything wrong but it does sound fishy.

A friend of hers named Dodie died as well though we’re not sure why. She was 42, challenged like Kim is, and had heart issues, according to Aly. But sure enough, Kim doesn’t seem the least bit upset. It really is like she can’t feel any kind of guilt, remorse, compassion, empathy or pity unless it’s for herself. I totally believe without a doubt that she simply isn’t capable of feeling any of these emotions. Not sure she really does have MPD like I first thought she might, but she definitely isn’t all there. I wonder, though, was she simply born the way she is or did something bad happen in her childhood to cause her to be this way? It must be nice, though, never believing you could do anything wrong, never knowing what it’s like to feel guilt or remorse, and never having to deal with feeling negative emotions for others. I totally believe that trying to teach Kim about compassion and empathy would be like trying to teach it to an inanimate object like a door or a window.

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