Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Marie’s back and she even texted me. I replied but I don’t know what’s going on with her. I’m sure it’s the usual GF/booze/psych drug/PTSD drama.

We ran out to Walgreens last night and I picked up some vitamin D in the lowest dose I could find. When I researched the causes of fatigue, I came up with a huge number of possibilities ranging from vitamin deficiencies to inflammation. My cause is most likely disturbed sleep as well as a little bit of depression since I feel like I’m kind of stuck in a rut in life even though it’s not a bad rut to be in, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to try it. Today I definitely feel like I have more energy but one day isn’t enough to really say that the vitamin D is helping.

I also looked up the acupuncture points which are in the center of the palm of the hand, and some of the best energy foods are bananas and tuna, so I started my day off with a banana.

The sleeping earbuds are still keeping loud vehicles from waking me up. Tom saw and heard the loud car when he was outside while I was asleep. But I still wake up a lot on my own, if only for a few seconds.

Dammit! As soon as I start writing in Google Docs Aly starts blowing up my phone. I need to remember to mute notifications when I go to write. The only one I can’t get rid of is Kim. She only has access to her Kindle so she can’t use WhatsApp.

Had a series of strange dreams last night. In one of them, we briefly owned a house that seemed to be in a desert-like climate in a town called Norris. It seemed like we were only there a few months when I got in some kind of trouble that somehow caused us to lose the place. I believed we would have lost it eventually anyway because we didn’t have enough money.

I looked up Norris when I got up. No such town. In another dimension?

Then I dreamed about a possible reunion with his family. I’m not sure if we actually saw them or if my dream self was thinking of seeing them.

Then I dreamed I sent Stacey a letter. That would be the Stacey I knew down in Arizona. At first, I was worried I’d get in some kind of trouble for it but then I realized I hadn’t said anything wrong and wasn’t doing anything wrong.

In the last dream, I remember, I was on a boat with glass walls and was mesmerized by the way the waves broke along the base of the walls and wished we could live on a houseboat like that. Knowing we couldn’t, I hoped to at least live close enough to the beach so we could hang out there regularly, if only for a few minutes at a time.

Just heard from Marie. Hers was one of the FB accounts that FB accidentally made public, so she got pissed and temporarily deactivated. As I told her, I rarely use it these days and hate it for a variety of reasons.

She also bitches about her ex in Oregon posting pictures. She can’t block her? I asked. She just did. Oh, so it took her this long to think of that?

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