Monday, July 23, 2018

We did an Amazon order yesterday, most of which arrived the same day. When Tom decided all my walking was inspiring him, he decided to get some pedals for $60 that he could use at his desk. He really wanted one for a couple of hundred dollars that had a seat but it wasn’t available. If he’s not happy with this one he’ll get it when it’s back in stock.

I ordered another K-Cup sampler box and went right for that wonderful wild raspberry when I got up today.

I also got a 12-pack of my Strawberry Fields Tic Tacs, a personal misting fan that hasn’t arrived yet, and a bullet vibe which is great for sore feet.

My right hip started acting up like it does when I do a lot of exercising but fortunately, it’s not that bad. I’m trying to make a point of doing stretching exercises more often.

Believe it or not, the loud car didn’t visit at all on Saturday but it came around yesterday. It came around once on Thursday and twice on Friday. So too much for comfort. It may as well live here, but if it did, it would be coming and going no less than three times a day so I’m glad it doesn’t. With the economy doing well and the cock being young, I find it hard to believe it’s about being broke. I think it’s more about being lazy or helping its parents with some project or through some illness. People just don’t visit their parents this often for this long. I don’t know, maybe they really did get kicked out and this is a punishment of sorts. But if they got kicked out how would they know their car had anything to do with it as opposed to their age? While it’s true that I would never have said anything if their car wasn’t almost worse than a motorcycle, they shouldn’t know that. With them on the other side of the circle, if they weren’t so loud, I would never have known they were living here. I probably wouldn’t have noticed their age from a distance. The only ones I noticed were the little girls.

It occurred to me the other day that I haven’t heard that obnoxious mutt I always wanted to go out and kick when I’d hear it. Maybe someone else took the honors.

What is it with all Bob’s blowing lately, though? It isn’t that time of year when the leaves are coming down like crazy so is he just that bored or something?

My schedule jumped fast these last few days as it usually does when I sleep at night because I sleep better regardless. I don’t think I’m ever going to sleep quite as well during the daytime no matter how quiet it is or what I have to block sound.

I dreamed we bought a beautiful modern three-bedroom, two-story house with a killer view. It definitely wasn’t that isolated and it was definitely somewhere in the desert. The houses weren’t set nearly as close as they are here but they weren’t hundreds of feet away either, at least not in all directions. But out of one window, I could see a vast valley of ocotillo plants and desert sage and things like that.

I can’t remember the layout of the first floor but I clearly saw the upper floor as having the master bedroom with a bathroom off of it on one side of the hallway while the other bedrooms and a bathroom that was between them were on the other side.

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