Saturday, November 24, 2018

I woke up to find Simon gone this morning. I’m sad but relieved since he really seemed to be struggling in the end there and he wasted away to nothing even though he was eating right up until the end.

So that’s two out of three of these very old rats gone. Now it’s just Dumbo. And our betta too, of course, who is amazingly bright, alert and friendly.

Buried Simon near Burke between the bushes in back of the house. There are 4 (cypress?) bushes in the back. Burke is between the two by the small bedroom. Simon is sort of between the two bedrooms, and Dumbo will be by the master bedroom soon. He can barely walk.

Ran to Walgreens for a few things but more to get out of the house than anything else.

We got quite a bit of much-needed rain yesterday and it’s nice that the air is no longer smokey.

Managed to clean a section of carpet in the hallway yesterday. Got the new shower curtain for the master bath, too.

Now, just as soon as Kim, Eileen, and a couple of too-quiet Proseboxers fail to wish me a happy birthday, I’ll delete them on Facebook. I’m sure the Twenties will ignore me as well but they won’t be deleted until we leave.

I still don’t understand how and why so many people can take the word of the Bible so literally and call it “God’s word” when it’s actually the word, opinions and beliefs of those who wrote it. Hell, anyone could write a book about whatever and claim it’s God’s word.

And I also find it rather ironic that people are always quick to praise God when things go their way but when they don’t, they have an excuse ready at hand on His behalf. It was just “His will” or “He has his reasons,” blah blah blah. Funny how it’s never “Maybe He doesn’t give a shit” or “Maybe He doesn’t exist.” I hate to say it but this attitude sort of reminds me of a battered woman that keeps making all kinds of excuses for and defending her abuser BF/husband. shrugs Guess we all gotta do what we gotta do, though, right?

My PB friend who recommended magnesium said another thing she could recommend is a supplement called L-Theanine but I ain’t trying nothing until I talk to my doctors.

The only thing I remember for dreams last night was the race-card-playing black bitch in Arizona, unfortunately. We were neighbors again but the houses looked different. She was sitting in a parked car talking to someone. She was in the passenger seat telling whoever was sitting in the driver’s seat that she wanted to burn certain places down. They hadn’t seen me at first but then I decided I would casually step into view and let them worry and wonder whether or not I overheard her deadly plotting.

There seemed to be another part of the dream I don’t remember. I actually had two dreams I made a mental note of documenting when I got up but I can’t remember the other one either.

Aly and Cam had a fight. They went down to Kansas to see his friends and family and will be heading back to Nebraska at dinnertime to avoid an approaching snowstorm. She said they got in a fight and I wonder if the relationship is going to end soon based on her track record. If it does she’ll be with someone new within a week or two. Or maybe not since I didn’t have a great track record before meeting Tom and we had our share of fights in the beginning as well.

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