Friday, November 23, 2018

It’s just after 3 a.m. here and the peace and quiet is pure heaven. Right now it’s mostly due to the clouds and rain. Can’t hear the freeway in that case but because rain is so rare here, this doesn’t happen very often. Only from mid-June to mid-August is it hard to hear the freeway and Sunday mornings, too.

While Tom rarely remembers his dreams, he does sometimes get solutions to various problems in his dreams just like I sometimes get glimpses into the unknown. Well, in light of my numbers appearing as if I’m not medicated at all, he wonders about something I wondered when I first started the Liothyronine. Can it be taken at the same time as the Levothyroxine? You’re not supposed to take anything within 4 hours of Levothyroxine so that’s why we’re wondering, along with the shitty numbers. If this is the case, though, then why didn’t the doctor or the pharmacist say something about that? I’m going to be so pissed if it was all for nothing and taking the Lio at the same time I took the Levo rendered the Levo worthless. If I find out that’s the case, and I intend to call the nurse on Monday so I don’t have to bother the doctor on the portal, then I’m not sure what I’m going to do besides want to slap the shit out of the pharmacist. In that case, I could try the combo again and wait 4 hours before taking the Lio or I could stick to 75s.

Either way, I now believe the anxiety is going to torment me on and off no matter what I take so I guess it really doesn’t matter as long as my TSH isn’t over 10. The most important thing will be trying to figure out what I can do about the anxiety itself. I only had 3 hours of very mild traces of anxiety yesterday and so far I’m fine today even if I’ve only been up for a few hours.

My bladder is getting annoyingly leaky as I age. Tom and I are both at the point where it takes longer to pee. It doesn’t leak if I cough or sneeze or anything like that but even sitting on the toilet and being patient and pretty sure I’m a hundred percent peed out, I will sometimes get up and then feel a bit of wetness down there telling me my bladder wasn’t as emptied out as I thought it was. Maybe I should wear liners regularly and God help me the day I have to dive into those bulky and uncomfortable-looking adult “diapers!”

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