Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Hello there :-) Saw you in the People You May Know section and while I totally admit that I don’t know the reasons, I have a feeling you had a very good one to kick Sarah out without talking to her first as I was told was the case. I hate to say it but while they may be my nieces they have turned out to be nothing but narcissistic little drama queens. Becky and Sarah have lived together for most of their adult lives and never seem to be dating anyone which hardly seems “normal” and I have a feeling it has nothing to do with their weight. At least not much anyway.

They ended up deleting me because I posted something they didn’t exactly like. I am appalled and surprised at just how selfish they’ve turned out but then I know where they got it from. Yes, my sister never set great examples. The hypochondriac recently told me she’s dying when she’s not and I haven’t talked to her or her brats in months.

Lisa went crazy on me by falsely accusing me of the most mundane of things a decade ago and we haven’t talked since then.

“You’re supposed to be their aunt!” Tammy cried.

Yeah, well I’m also supposed to be treated with respect.

When Becky was in a car accident, thanks to my sister’s horrible writing, I didn’t realize her jaw was wired shut and so I sent a huge package of candy and fruit. While I totally expected Becky to share, I was pissed to learn that Sarah had most of it and had plowed through 80 bucks worth of candy in just a few days rather than wait and let Becky have most of it, the intended recipient, once she was better.

Let me guess…she threatened you or ate your house down? You never have to tell me anything you don’t want to and I will never mention you to anyone ever. I would also appreciate it if you didn’t mention my contacting you, not that I could stop you from doing so. I just have a feeling that whatever your reason was for wanting Sarah out wouldn’t surprise me very much and I will be even gladder that I’m thousands of miles away.

The above is a message I sent the girls’ Aunt Etta, Bill’s sister. Met her a few times in Connecticut when she and her daughter visited. I sent it simply because I’m curious as to whether or not I’ll get a response and what that response may be. I’m not having anything to do with my family now so if God forbid she mentions my contacting her to the drama queen and her spoiled brats, so be it. I meant everything I said too, right or wrong. Since March she’s either stopped using her account or has gone very private because I don’t see any visible activity since then.

Slept shitty. Woke up in the middle of my sleep and had to take Benadryl to get back to sleep. While I appreciate the damp weather keeping things quiet, this is the type of weather that makes me feel tired and lazy. I don’t even know if I’ll have the energy to work out and clean today. That’s why I do it whenever I have the energy because I know I’m going to have these kinds of days every now and then. Then I can take a day off without much guilt or falling behind, though I did do a bit of dusting.

Yesterday was just the opposite and was incredibly noisy. On top of loud traffic, I heard loud mowers and blowers on and off several times from sunup to sundown. And now I hear them again. sighs They just don’t take a day off, do they?

What’s with the two SUVs at the Twenties these last few days? They don’t seem to stay there overnight so I’m guessing they’re out-of-town guests staying at hotels and visiting in the daytime. Still wish they wouldn’t park alongside us and would park by who they’re visiting instead.

Finally managed to disable most of the notifications I was getting on my phone from Facebook but some of them are still worming their way through. Facebook is going to do what they’re going to do no matter what but still… Why must Facebook make so many things so complicated?

Dr. O’s nurse called and confirmed that both thyroid medications can be taken together, so that’s good to know. Still weird how it basically rendered the 50s useless and made it like I wasn’t taking anything at all.

I let her know I returned to 75s as the doctor recommended and cut the Lio out completely. Not sure why Dr. O still wants to see me but since he has the 17th off anyway, I may as well see her six hours after I see Dr. A.

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