Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Changed the name of my current book to Dumping Davina and lowered my word count goal to 15K because it’s probably going to be a short story. Like one I’ll sell for $0.99.

Because I’m tired today I’m probably going to take the day off. Since lowering my word count goal, it takes some of the pressure off, even though I should still hit 20K before the end of the month. I just didn’t sleep well. Nothing woke me up. I just kept waking up a lot as I normally do when sleeping during the day.

The Wrong Sister has also been published. Maybe I’ll design some more covers tonight.

Why must being tired make me hungry? I don’t understand the connection. Tom is going to stop at Whole Foods on the way home tomorrow because he wants to try it out. I like to change up my smoothie and meal ingredients each week. All my fruit went to hell at the same time so I can’t wait until the weekend anyway. First-time shoppers get $10 to spend on Amazon.

Things have been feeling so much better down there since using the bidet regularly and not treating it as much. I don’t even use the Tacrolimus anymore. Just a dab of hydrocortisone every few days. Don’t know how long it will last but I’ll be enjoying it while it does!

While I would love to have a woman president for once and for all, I’m not sure about Kamala Harris because of the way she’s always talking about getting extra privileges and first dibs on things for her own kind, just as I suspected she would. I don’t want someone that’s going to favor their own and not serve everybody equally. I’ll still take her over Trump any day. Hopefully, women will respect themselves enough not to vote for him. Anyone who mistreats women should never be forgiven, made excuses for, or made amends with. It’s not okay for them to abuse women and it never will be.

Aly went from leaving me thinking she was dying in the hospital (does she actually want people to worry about her?) to blowing up my phone.

Facebook made my Nicole account as fake. Then again, I’m not sure what happened because everything was private there. I noticed the Account Switcher disappeared and when I tried to log into that account, they said they noticed suspicious activity on my account, asked me to insert a captcha and then provide a picture of myself. So was it hacked? Or did Facebook go through my private posts and not like what they saw?

I tried to see if I could look in on that account from my real account and I can’t, so they’ve got it locked. Decided not to bother doing anything about it. When the time comes and I know my days are numbered, I’ll create another account to post the story and message anyone who may still be around, and hopefully, Tom will do it if I can’t.

My only concern is that they might have fed me to the wolves just like Google once did, if it was about the story, but I’d guess not since I never sent anyone anything. The story was posted privately with the plan being that I would turn it public in the end. But I never got any notices about them selling me out to the pigs because they were subpoenaed for info or anything like that, but so what if they did? Just like last time, I know how to ignore anyone who thinks they can become my mommy and daddy and tell me what to do simply because of something I wrote… Especially when it was written in private and not shared with anyone. But yeah, someone hacked it or Facebook got a little nosy. I wasn’t about to give them my picture when I’m not Nicole Hammond and I can always create another account later on down the road.

Had a couple of dreams that might have been glimpses into other dimensions since they were plausible and not a series of crazy, senseless scenes.

In one dream, I didn’t know Tom, and Kim was still with Mark who she recently split from. For some reason, they both left their place while they were separated. Mark eventually went back to their place. Kim and I were talking about the situation and she decided not to return. I was glad to hear this because I was hoping she and I could get a place of our own together, knowing that she would be very easy to get along with given her easy-going personality.

In the other dream, we were living in a park in a manufactured home but it didn’t look anything like this. It was a 4-bedroom home that was set a little further back from the street and we weren’t on the corner either. The closest street was in front. We didn’t have anything running in back.

There were three bedrooms in front and one in back. The front part of the house had the master bedroom on one end, then the living room, then a couple of smaller bedrooms. I was in the master bedroom by the neighbor’s driveway, Tom was in back. I thought about sleeping in one of the inner bedrooms that were two walls away from the neighbors on the other side to see if it would be quieter.

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