Tuesday, July 2, 2019

While some claims of racism are totally true and honest, I still believe the vast majority of them these days are either intentionally made up or seen in places where it simply doesn’t exist. I think society has become so brainwashed and so obsessed with focusing on the damn subject that they’ve become paranoid to the point that they’re reading things in that aren’t there. I’m still so fucking sick of hearing about it!!! When oh when can we obsess about something else for a change? Hell, obsessing about cockroaches would be a breath of fresh air!

Bastard just came in. His schedule is still unpredictable. All I know is that no one should need to see their parents every day, especially one that young. Shouldn’t he be working during the week and enjoying his youth on weekends at clubs, with friends, or at least a fuck buddy if not a GF?

Starting to wonder if they’re having him come in multiple times a day to spite the neighborhood since they know damn well that at least two of us have complained. Two households, I mean. So many people are like that, though. You complain about them doing something and they do it even more. Again, I could really kick myself for bothering to complain. People simply expect to do what they want to do no matter what and I should have learned to accept this years ago. There’s always going to be shit going on in the world we don’t like and that we can never change no matter what we try to do about it. We can’t simply complain away life’s annoyances and the world’s problems. Just got to suck it up. We won’t be here forever. Of course, we’ll just be listening to someone else wherever we go, but that’s just life.

The little shit came in at 3:30 yesterday afternoon and left two hours later. I knew two hours with its mommy and daddy would never be enough for it, and sure enough, I’m pretty sure I heard it come back in as I was settling into bed. The question is how it left without waking me up since I didn’t use the bud.

Aly had the fibroids removed and spent the night in the hospital. Found a message when I got up saying she had a horrible night with lots of pain and bleeding and wasn’t sure if she would be discharged today. Haven’t heard anything since then, so I don’t know what’s going on with her.

Sent Alyssa another message yesterday with my life story. I’m still in my childhood. Even if she never reads them, I still do like to write so it’s a fun way to fill in those moments of boredom I sometimes get. Maybe in 10-20 years, I’ll be surprised with an actual reply but I certainly won’t count on it.

Chapter 2 of my book Gone (I still don’t know if I like that title) is now over 2K words. I changed some character names earlier.

Tom doesn’t think Ralph’s place will go to a flipper because they’re asking $130,000 for it.

Got the silicone pot and dish scrubbers and they work great! I use them mostly for pots. Love all the different colors as well… Pink, purple, yellow, blue, orange, green and red. Wish I had these in the trailer! Love how they can be washed in the dishwasher too, and how they won’t get smelly the way sponges and washcloths do.

I’m still waiting on a call back from my dermatologist’s office. How long can it possibly take to analyze a piece of pussy?

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