Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dumping Davina is now finished at 13399 words! But I’m having trouble submitting it for validation. Maybe it will be fixed after the weekend.

Yesterday I was pulling the trash bin in after the trash was picked up, and a woman in a white SUV waved to me. My first thought was that it was Geri since she has a white SUV, but she doesn’t usually flash such a bright smile as this woman did. It was then that I realized it was Dixie.

Tried to talk myself out of bothering, knowing the potential trouble friends can bring, but was curious so I took a walk down to her place and asked if she knew when they would be painting the speed bumps.

She said she didn’t know and when I realized she had been eating, I asked if I caught her at a bad time. She said no, and that she and her stepdaughter were eating salads she picked up at Wendy’s.

I asked if she liked it here and she said she didn’t like having to pay a grand for the lot and having to hire a gardener. They have way more plants than we do, but when cared for, it looks nice and makes the place much more private. Their patio and furniture were nice and clean, too. Tomorrow we’ll be power-hosing our patio and furniture. Despite the regular noise from traffic and landscaping, it’s good to get out in the fresh air and sun if only for a few minutes a day and actually use the bench swing we paid hundreds for.

So she invited me in and never shut up, LOL. She was rather erratic too, in that she changed subjects rapidly and was a bit contradictory. She wasn’t happy here due to it being expensive and the freeway so close, but later she said she was very happy there. She doesn’t seem bothered by the traffic but doesn’t like how she can “smell” the freeway (gas).

Her daughter was scarily ugly. Her face reminded me of a pug dog with her wide-set bulging eyes. She lives there and she’s the one that gets picked up by that loud Pride bus. I guess they deal with mentally challenged people and I get the impression she may be autistic. Those are almost as hard to deal with as bipolars. You cross them or they think you’ve crossed them and they’ll go ballistic on you. Wonder if Kim’s listed as autistic? Despite living in a country that isn’t very big on privacy, I can’t think of any way to look that up and find out exactly what her disabilities are said to be.

I’m guessing Dixie is in her 70s, Pug, her 50s.

Once inside the house, I found that it was the exact same house we have. Just different carpet and colors, of course. They didn’t seem to have much. Their bookcase was mostly empty. They had a small dining table but there was stuff on it, like beads and things for crafting projects. What was weird was that instead of sitting on stools at the counter, they had a little two-seater just inside the kitchen, running along one of the counters. Why block cabinets when you can sit at the counter, I wondered, but it’s their place. So, whatever works for them.

She pulled out a very uncomfortable chair from the dining table for me to sit on while they sat in their kitchen finishing their salads. She pointed out things she liked and didn’t like about the place. She doesn’t like the dark granite countertops but she likes the Berber carpet. Me too. I would still prefer laminate flooring but if I had to have carpet, that’s what I would go with. Pretty sure that’s what Bob and Virginia have as well.

She said that a guy was going into his house somewhere in this park and left the door open behind him. First she said something about him bringing his bike inside and then it was a dog. Either way, some guy followed him in and tried to rob him or something. When she told me this, I remember the time we were coming in from wherever and saw a cluster of cop cars. I wonder if that had anything to do with it. The gates are open in the daytime but since the park is a bit out of the way, I’m guessing it was a gardener or something like that. Random druggies and homeless people simply don’t wander into this park.

First she spoke kindly of the lady next to her and “Santa.” Then she said something about not saying anything to anyone because of her words being misinterpreted, whatever that meant, and also that she was told the people here were friendly but doesn’t think so.

Well, I can think of a certain household that truly doesn’t want to get along with its neighbors. I think at first they started off not caring, then when they learned that some people around here don’t appreciate their shit, they went out of their way to be more annoying. People are just twisted like that. It’s like how Miss Perfect was. First she seemed to care about my feelings and not offending me. Then she didn’t care if she did or not. Then she actually went out of her way to piss me off.

But yeah, the mama’s boy has been coming around more and more, like two or three times a day. It really does make me wonder if he’s homeless by choice and if it’s about spite. It’s like his parents are total enablers, feeding him, paying for the heap of shit he drives, and his cigarettes just so he doesn’t have to get a job and take responsibility for his own life. I can’t think of any other legitimate reason he would be around so often other than due to being a moocher and just for pure spite. From what I’ve heard of Melody, she definitely sounds like the type that would have her son annoy the neighborhood after being complained about. She and her husband aren’t disabled, so he’s no caretaker. My first thought was maybe he was working on their place for them but since 2017? They don’t have any business they run online or anything that I’m aware of, and even if they did, why would that require him to spend so much time there if he was helping them out?

We went to Whole Foods this morning to check out their buffet. Damn parents who let their kids scream and shout non-stop! Everywhere we go, unless it’s really early or really late, some brat is out of control. I don’t understand how the parents themselves can stand it. When I was a kid, kids simply didn’t act like this. They were taught discipline, manners and respect. I wish more teachers would pick up where today’s parents are leaving off. It isn’t just those around them they annoy with their ear-piercing antics, but if raised to believe it’s okay to be so uncivilized as kids, they’re going to become selfish, inconsiderate adults. Well, that’s not what I want running the world in 20 years.

Would love to go to this really cool water park we drove by but it’s because of these brats that I can’t enjoy things like this because they’re always there to ruin things. We both hate crowds anyway, but still. People should be able to go out in public without someone screaming in their ear so loud they can’t hear their husband talking to them, just like they should be able to go out and not have to inhale secondhand smoke. You may not give a shit about your lungs, but I care about mine.

So the buffet itself wasn’t really that great. The pizza wasn’t the best I’d ever had and the rest of the stuff I gathered was just okay. The mac and cheese were outstanding but the eggs tasted funny, bacon is just bacon, potatoes are just potatoes, then there was something I tried that I didn’t like all because it turned out to be spicy. Definitely not worth going back again.

The cool thing was that they have a handful of charging stations outside their place so we could get a free charge while we were in the store. I was surprised by how many other electric cars were there charging as well.

The traffic was no fun either and every time I’m out in it, I long to be in a much less populated area. Since we can’t live in Maui, I really like the idea of Stuart because it’s a lot smaller and almost everybody is older there. As I said, I don’t understand how people can tolerate these wild brats these days, but if you can, you’re damn amazing! I know not all of them act like animals but the numbers are way up there for sure.

After waiting at a long light, Tom pointed out that I’m getting more impatient lately and he’s right. I am. I don’t know why, but I just am. I think most of us get less tolerant and impatient with age. But that’s not what bothers me. I’m content to be who I am. It’s him being more bothered by my complaining than what I’m bothered about that bothers me. He admitted he’s “weak.” I guess in that sense he kind of is, but it also isn’t just him not being able to handle me complaining, I really get tired of him making excuses for or defending the people and things that bother me. Who the hell does that?

I’m worried about my buddy because I’ve had a feeling about her needing a hysterectomy. But then she started improving and I thought maybe my vibe was meaningless. However, she started having problems again, so I don’t know. Unfortunately, I’m not usually wrong on these kinds of things.

I’m also worried about Tammy because she’ll be 62 soon and I’ve had a bad feeling about her hitting that age for several years now. I just don’t know what it’s about.

Not sure I’m going to keep my Twitter account or CC because it’s been kind of dead. Even our camp cabin is awfully quiet.

After we came back, we went out to Rite Aid a little later for treats and my mini-wines I can’t seem to give up. Especially merlot! I first thought it would be cool to get a bottle of Merlot and not touch it for 15 years or so to see what it tastes like after it’s aged, but then when I read up on how to age wine, I found that it’s best for it to remain at a steady temperature of around 55 degrees. That’s not something I can do, so I’m not going to bother. I’m also not going to spend hundreds just to find out what aged wine is like.

Was watching a really cool documentary about the sun and learned some amazing facts like how the light we see when we look at the sun takes a hundred thousand years to get from the core to the surface yet only eight minutes to hit the Earth and four hours to make it to Neptune.

On our way into the store, I found a penny lying heads up in the parking lot. I know from first-hand experience that if you pick up a penny that’s tails side up, it’s bad luck. Well, picking it up on the head side isn’t exactly good luck as I’d hoped because we won’t be installing the bidet today. The tee connector doesn’t fit. Ordered one specially made for Veken bidets that will arrive tomorrow.

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