Thursday, November 7, 2019

Glanced at the headlines. The usual shit going on from what I can see. Everyone wants to protect its precious illegals, corrupt cops out of control, etc. Really, if we can’t trust the police, who can we trust? Also, I’m still none the wiser as to why we want to protect criminals. I swear we’re the only country that does this sort of thing.

Didn’t sleep so well because of the warmer weather we’ve been having. Gotta get that extra blanket off that I recently put on the bed. It’s just that the early mornings are so cold.

Napped on and off for a few hours in the evening, though I’m still tired. As long as I’m not as tired as often as I used to be, I don’t mind every now and then, especially when I don’t have much to do. Might not work on my book today but since I’m doing my own independent NaNo, that’s okay.

Renting Ginny is back to being rented. :-) The nasty review was left on the 4th. There were no buys or borrows on the 5th, the day Amazon removed it. I don’t know what time of day they removed it, but I wonder if that review is the reason there was no activity on the 5th. Now that I know they don’t notify you of reviews, I’ll have to keep an eye on that.

They’re still at 38 pages but the book was borrowed in the UK and it’s still early there.

I was both surprised and disappointed that Becky said there were a lot of chihuahuas where she is. Disappointed because those dogs are said to be notoriously barky, but surprised because most people in the West seem to prefer large dogs that they leave outside round the clock.

I’m guessing bike riding might be better there, though. Less traffic, and flatter roads. I would just be a little worried about being chased by dogs. I would think loose dogs would be a regular thing there like they were in Maricopa. I’ll ask her.

Why is it only Aly that I have issues sending and receiving emails with? She said it dawned on her that I haven’t said anything about an email she sent me on Sunday. Yeah, and I thought it was a bit weird that she didn’t say anything about a link I sent her about an article on Amazon preventing certain people from leaving book reviews.

Had this really weird dream where I was sitting outdoors on these bleachers or something like that with dad watching some sort of circus or just random performers of various kinds. One performer was in a revealing costume and was bouncing some kind of ball or object off her body and was able to make it return, never hitting the ground. She had a slight belly bulge and nasty-looking stretch marks telling me she had a kid.

Then I was in this hotel of sorts. The rooms were more like cabins that were attached to a regular building. Everything seemed to be on one floor. In each room were a few sets of built-in bunk beds. This hotel slept people wherever there was space. I was to share the room with the performer. She never told me her name but when she told me she was 55 years old I was shocked. I really believed she was somewhere between 25-30.

I told her my dream was to start my own house cleaning business but that I didn’t drive. She said I could hire her for that.

“But I have one other problem,” I told her and proceeded to tell her about my sleep disorder. She surprised me by saying she knew what it was. I then suggested it might be better if she created the business and she hired me to work whenever I was available.

We were about to discuss it further, but she became very tired since it was late at night. She slid under the covers on one of the lower bunks. She shivered with cold and I started to suggest we leave the door open but then said it might become too warm later on.

Unable to sleep, I went out to the lobby of sorts where a creepy guy in his 50s or so managed the front desk. In one room off the lobby were a bunch of plants and in another was a mini grocery store. Then there was a TV room. I sat on the couch in front of the TV but all it did was advertise upcoming shows without ever playing any, so I headed back to my room.

Next thing I knew it was morning and the guy gives me a key to a better and more private room. So I crept into our room and found two small dogs sleeping on another one of the lower bunks and knew they were put there by someone else and that beds could be rented for animals as well as people.

I began to gather my things as well as a couple of the performer’s things that I thought were of value so I could bring them to the other room.

She woke up and asked, “What are you doing?”

I explained to her about the key and the better room and told her why I was moving some of our stuff. Along the way, I had to stop and think for a few seconds about the correct words, frustrated with my brain fog.

She got up to go to the bathroom which wasn’t in the room. Where she’d gone to bed wearing nothing, now she wore a skirt with a long-sleeved top. While she was gone, I looked in the mirror at my trashed hair which looked ridiculous and began to brush it out. It was long again to the middle of my back.

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