Sunday, November 10, 2019

Made my first egg sandwich in the new egg cooker. Beat a couple of eggs with a dash of garlic salt, zapped them, toasted and buttered an English muffin, added a pinch of shredded cheddar, and there it was - a great homemade breakfast sandwich. :-)

Had a fun day yesterday. Went to Walmart and to Rite Aid and got lots of things. Real food, junk food, wine, and even a cute new blonde doll dressed mostly in pink.

Trying Tea Tree Mint shampoo too, and it’s definitely minty smelling. My hair feels silky fine and soft these days as most of the damaged hair has now been cut off. The thing is we don’t just get thinner hair as we age but the hairs themselves get thinner as well. Don’t know if I’ll keep it shoulder-length all my life. With another 30 years or so to live, that’s a long time to keep it the same length. I like change every now and then.

In the mail, I received a sample of Gabrielle Chanel perfume. It’s just so-so. Nothing I would be quick to run out and get.

Rearranged the living room yesterday and today we’ll be picking up my first pair of trifocals.

Ordered another plush hideaway for the pigs…a bumblebee. Two for the pigs is enough, we decided. A tiger is on the way for the rats even though they’ll demolish it soon enough.

Renting Ginny has now received seven borrows. Estimated royalties are now up to almost $7.

People have asked me questions about Cali over the years and while I’ve been quick to bash the state, which definitely does have a lot of negatives to it, there are some good points as well. I like the way this state does overtime. They also have many helpful programs and freebies. The problem is that many of the freebies are given to the wrong people. I don’t like how illegals and foreigners take precedence over those that are from the US and I hate how expensive it is here. So I guess like any other state, it has its pros and cons.

Unless she sent anything I didn’t get, I never did hear from Stacey. Not sure why she chose to ignore me this time. Maybe I overdid the pointing out of older people playing fake let’s-get-together games and she took it the wrong way or something. Either way, it’s on her, though she’s one of those I don’t mind saying hello to every few years without getting a response.

Aly came to visit me in last night’s dream, but I don’t remember anything else we said or did.

The night before, I dreamed I was in a house with several other people. Not sure if I lived there or not but there was this girl in her late 20s to 30s lying on the couch whining and moaning about something. She wasn’t well-liked and I told her to croak as I walked by with a bag of hard candy in my hand and sat down on a loveseat next to another girl around the same age. I helped myself to a piece of candy and then held the open bag out to the girl next to me.

“Oh,” she said as if surprised that I offered to share and then she took a couple of pieces.

Lastly, there was some dream about a smashed window in a door or a wall and I was nervous about it because it was in a shady neighborhood.

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