Friday, November 29, 2019

Got so much catching up to do that I guess now is a good time to do it while Tom is napping before I fall further behind.

Yet another state has criminalized abortion, demanding doctors re-implant ectopic pregnancies, or else doctors will be labeled murderers. Has this country lost its fucking mind that now people’s thirst for power and control will introduce laws demanding the impossible? What’s next, demanding short people be stretched up tall or some crazy shit like that?

As soon as Tom got in on Wednesday afternoon, we were able to change my phone number via live chat. I was worried at first that we’d have to wait till Monday and I wanted to beat the nut job’s little “deadline.” I swear, though, Americans need to do more for each other. Trying to talk to people with accents that are very hard to understand and that don’t write very well really gets old. Nonetheless, the woman we talked to, which was probably somewhere in India, managed to give me a new number that is easier to remember. I’ve changed it on the important sites and given it to Aly, Kim and Dixie. Gotta laugh to myself, as much as it was a pain in the ass to change the number in some places, knowing how pissed the termite is going to be the next time it tries to call which probably wasn’t yesterday but likely this morning.

I refuse to let myself worry about her shit and her twisted kids anymore. Yes, I could forever kick myself for taking her back in my life same as for going to court after she helped pave the way for the race card-playing, vengeful freeloaders to wreak havoc on my life at which time I should have definitely learned my lesson as to the amount of trouble she can cause when she doesn’t like what you have to say. But I’m moving on. If they can’t do the same, that’s on them. I’ve done what the experts recommend by completely ignoring them and saving all the evidence of their shit and that’s it.

Out of curiosity, since I had my doubts, I looked up whether or not a statement can be given by phone and that’s almost never done. Occasionally they’ll do video statements but that’s usually only for minors in sexual abuse cases. Not a grown woman I haven’t had any contact with in a decade. I’m a little surprised there hasn’t been any email or postal mail. Maybe the email blocks work better than I gave them credit for and maybe she really did lose our address even though I would think anyone could find that out easily enough. The US does not value its privacy at all.

Moving on. Spent most of yesterday breaking in the new computer and it’s definitely going to take some serious getting used to. Been calling this one Winnie and my old one Mackey. It’s easier than referring to them as the Windows computer or the Mac, LOL. There is still a lot of setting up and configuring to do. Just logging in to all my accounts is quite a task because each one has a different password. I’ve also decided that even though a break-in is very unlikely, I would add a password to unlock the computer altogether so that no one could ever get my list of passwords and tamper with any online accounts.

This computer is definitely faster and has some features I like and don’t like. Part of me wishes I’d gotten another Mac, but I’ll get used to this in time. I find some things are easier to do and some aren’t. I don’t think its built-in voice typist is any better than the Mac’s. Google is still the most accurate.

Wednesday was totally annoying around here. Instead of getting planes, there were tons of landscaping sounds on and off all day. Thursday, we switched to planes.

Also, the mama’s boy came for a visit on Wednesday and surprised me by not coming around yesterday. I dread the day they start coming and going several times a day whether they sleep here or not! Their absence is part of why I’ve been sleeping better. I would have to have the sound machine louder than I could stand and that still wouldn’t drown that thing out because that’s how loud it is. It’s worse than a motorcycle.

Other than planes, Thanksgiving was surprisingly quiet. Bob said that for the first time in 67 years, they were going elsewhere for Thanksgiving. Now we’re back to the usual landscaping and loud trash trucks.

Tom and I have been enjoying some relaxation and good food when we’re not working on electronics-related stuff. He made us a nice bacon-wrapped steak and mashed potatoes dinner. I guess we’re just not as concerned as we should be about our weight, LOL.

One of the features I actually like on my new computer is that it has an app for Netflix, so you don’t have to watch in a browser. I’m finishing up a movie called Awake. I won’t dare watch American Son. It’s just another show to make whites look bad. Really getting sick of all these shows that portray blacks as victims and whites as the bad guys but that’s just the times we’re living in. If you’re white, everything is your fault. So what if the reality is that there’s good and bad in all kinds?

Didn’t get any sales or borrows yesterday or the day before due to the holiday, but Renting Ginny was borrowed today. Royalties are now at $36.74.

Tom was looking around for what deals they had before I got up and we decided that since there weren’t any good deals on phones except for new customers, we’ll keep our phones for another year.

He did find something that looks better than Fitbit by somebody called MorePro. We’re both looking forward to it because we kind of missed having a Fitbit even though wearing it too long could get kind of uncomfortable for me. This one does more than just HR and steps. It checks for sleep apnea, is waterproof, and has an EKG and blood pressure monitor which is good for someone like me that’s prone to heart problems.

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