Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Termite Tammy and her little sarahsite have been better behaved lately but I don’t know how long it will last. With my birthday coming up, they may find that a great time to give me a “present,” but nothing they can do can influence my life as long as they stay away from my books. Amazon is on to them now, though.

They will continue not to hear from me. They’re too stupid and too stubborn to ever see the error of their ways and just how delusional and misguided they truly are anyway. You can’t reason with people like that. I’m still amazed by the sarahsite’s blindness for insisting I’m like my mother. SMH Like a 300-pound person telling a 100-pound person they’re fat. It’s like, hello, Sarah! But then if anyone were to point out how similar she is to her own mother she’d only take it as a compliment. I’m sure she’s proud to be the same dumbass, vengeful bitch her mother is. She and her mother, along with her sisters, will always try to turn the tables and turn things around to make it look like they’re the victims and everyone else is wrong. Anyone who dares to confront them as I did automatically have a mental illness and they absolutely must be having a breakdown, too. I mean, what else could it be, right?

Everyone is different as to how much value they’re willing to put in biology. For me, if you’re not someone I would be friends with, then it doesn’t matter if you’re related to me or not. Treat me like shit and I’m gone.

Maybe they’ll get to read all about it someday after I’m gone. I’m a little hesitant to leave my journals in cyberspace after my demise because I know I’ve said some things that Aly would certainly find hurtful and offensive. But then I don’t know that we’ll be friends all my life and I can’t possibly know what she may or may not take offense to. Maybe she’ll look back on some of the stuff I wrote pertaining to her and just laugh. Or maybe not. I certainly don’t want her to be upset by anything she may read after I’m gone, of course, but I’ll take my chances. Rather than decide for her what might bother her, she can just not read anything she may not like. I mean once I’m dead she can’t dump me or anything for it anyway. But no, I don’t want to upset her and I hope that if she ever reads this she’ll know that and that her last name will never be mentioned either. We all write shit in the heat of the moment and it’s in the past.

Anyway, Renting Ginny got borrowed even before Termite Tammy’s revenge review was deleted, and then someone later bought it.

I was the runner-up winner for 40% off of office organizers, but there’s nothing we really need or want at the moment.

We’ve had wind and rain since yesterday afternoon. It’s a nice change but I hate the cold. I’m enjoying the break from the planes as well. The wind is flowing southerly which is probably why I’m not hearing them. it seems that when the wind is flowing to the north is when they’re an annoyance. They have to take off in the direction the wind flows and unfortunately, it flows northerly quite often. But they don’t have to fly over us and I still don’t know why they started to do so last year. I’m guessing that they racked up a whole shitload of complaints. I wonder how many complaints they’ll have to get from the people in this area before they change directions again. The thing is we’re nowhere near the airport. It’s like they’re taking forever to ascend or are making a wider arc. They’re only a few thousand feet up. I can make out the engines easily.

In light of the shit that’s gone down with the trio of drama queens, I had a brief moment where I considered ghosting Dixie before she could possibly get a chance to screw me over in any way. It’s so true that the best way to look out for yourself is to avoid others. But I knew I would have felt guilty, Dixie is nothing like the parasites, and she’s been a great friend so far. So I spent nearly a couple of hours chatting with her. I told her about the family drama too, because I knew that if anyone would understand, it would be her.

She didn’t ask me to help her organize her closet, but I pulled in some furniture cushions that were outdoors before the rain could get to them and pushed tables and chairs back against the house for her. I also rolled up a small outdoor rug for her and put it where it couldn’t get rained on.

After she made me the shittiest cup of coffee I’ve had in a long time, (I’m Keurig spoiled, LOL), she mentioned being short on mugs, so I went and fetched her three mugs that the last people left here. We have so damn many that while I was doing her a favor, she was doing me a favor by de-cluttering the cabinet a bit where I keep the mugs.

I said hello to “Santa” along the way. So glad they don’t live next to us! They’re literally outside every day, all day long. They’re always doing something.

Slept with Alexa playing pink noise since I’m going to bed later. Once I’m back to sleeping most of the day, it will be back to having her play brown noise along with the stereo’s white noise. When the mama’s boy comes back to either live here or live here without sleeping here, Alexa alone won’t be enough.

It’s an exciting time now. We don’t celebrate holidays but we’re not only looking forward to the time off, but the things were getting. My incense came after I crashed yesterday and I’m enjoying that now. As always, they threw in some extras which is always a nice surprise.

Originally, my new computer was set to be delivered Saturday but it’s coming today instead. So I’m pretty excited even though it’s always a bit of a pain in the ass to break in a new computer and configure things just right. Plus, I have to learn the new way of using Windows. I’ve been used to Macs and their setup for so long. No more Safari either. I guess Window’s thing these days is Edge. I’m still going to have my Mac; it’s just going to be semi-retired. I’m only going to use it for doing puzzles on the treadmill and it will be hooked to a cable so I can project exercise vids on the projection screen.

Still not looking forward to turning 54 at all, knowing how unlucky the number 4 is. Pretty much every age of my childhood was shitty. When I was 24, my asthma was at its worst and I was really beginning to realize that life isn’t what we plan it. At 34, I was in jail. Most of my forties sucked, especially ages 48-49.

I’ve seen the same pattern with years that have fours in them. We got married in 1994 which was great, but we had financial and neighbor problems. Plus, I was dealing with the fact that being DES-exposed really did sterilize me and I hated the fact that I felt like I had my choice taken away from me.

In 2004 we lost our house and in 2014, my medication damn near killed me. Sure made me feel like it was going to, anyway.

With the exception of having to go to jail for something I never did, I’d say the best years of my life were probably between the ages of 26-39. I guess it depends on how you look at it because technically, present days could be considered the best. It’s noisy, it’s cold, I’m fat, and I’ve got shitty vision. But everything else is pretty damn good if not downright great. We’re both healthy, we have a roof over our heads, a job that pays well and provides benefits, good neighbors, and lots more.

Speaking of noise, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. My God, this guy in back of us really can’t take a break, can he? Got up to see what all the slamming was about and there are two Fire & Water damage vans there. It’s only seven-thirty for fuck’s sake! I’m sure they’ll be there all day. This guy’s got to be prepping to sell. There are just too many projects going on back there lately. Really hope yesterday’s rain didn’t cause his roof to leak because that likely means that I’ll have to listen to a new roof being pounded out next. No way I could sleep through that either. It’s much too close to the bedroom. For now, I really hope they won’t be slamming in and out of their vans, sawing and hammering all day.

Dyed my hair a couple of days ago and realized I could go back to using Just for Men since I’ve been keeping my hair shoulder-length. It takes half the time and isn’t nearly as smelly.

Because I’ve been sleeping better, I’ve only been remembering bits and pieces of dreams that mostly make no sense. I dreamt of walking through the park which looked different. An old single-wide with a dumpy door stood up high on a hill or some other building.

I suddenly felt tired and decided to lie down on the ground at the side of the road between a house or building and some trees. When I woke up later, I noticed a black and white fluffy tail sticking up out of leaves just a few feet away and knew it was a skunk. Fearing I would be sprayed, I slowly rose and crossed the street.

In another dream, I stole someone’s guinea pig because it seemed to be really mellow and friendly.


Sighs with frustration So much for the termite behaving. Here’s the latest transcript:

“jody I’m telling you don’t think I am just blowing smoke up my […] I don’t hear from tom by Sunday you’ll be hearing from your local police department because I’ve already contacted them and asked them questions through our police department meeting with myself and Becky and Sarah and getting a statement over the phone from Lisa. So you see I’m not screwing around. I want tom to know exactly what’s happened once again instead of your dirty outright letter sent to children that I read I never thought you would send them letters of that magnitude I wouldn’t given it to them but now you’re into the tax while your record that they already have. This is going to be a piece of cake. So don’t think I’m screwing around. I either speak with tom. You want to be on the phone that’s fine but you will allow us to talk.

First of all, Lisa has nothing to do with this. Although I mentioned her, I shared the group message with Tammy, Becky and Sarah. Not Lisa. I didn’t know how to contact her.

I don’t know what the hell dirty letters were supposed to be sent to children. Besides, her brats aren’t kids anymore and haven’t been in over a decade. So I don’t know why I’m suddenly hearing about this now or what the hell that one is about. I don’t acknowledge her by actually listening to the voice messages. The transcripts are showing just how crazy and vindictive she is all by themselves. Before now I would have said she wasn’t crazy, just mean. Well, she’s obviously delusional if she thinks I would send children dirty letters. That’s just plain old crazy. If she’s talking about in the 90s when we would exchange postal letters, I’ve sent some that were angry but never was anything literally “dirty.” So I don’t get how she thinks she’s going to nail me with letters I never sent over 20 years ago.

She also obviously doesn’t realize, or want to, that I don’t have a record. If the prank phone calls weren’t expunged and I wasn’t vindicated for Arizona, I couldn’t have gotten in here, with Jesse, or the Oregon property company.

If she really did run to the police and isn’t just bluffing, any decent cop is going to see that she has no case. Someone with some serious power and control would literally have to fabricate some form of evidence out of thin air, but what have I been saying ever since I walked out of jail 19 years ago? Yep, you guessed it. I will always ignore any possible future subpoenas unless I’m either a plaintiff or a witness. Unless someone kicks the door down and drags me to jail and then court, she can do what she wants as long as she stays away from my books!

Really hope Tom’s right when he says no cops are coming, no subpoena is coming, and yes, she really will go away someday. Really hope she’s just trying to threaten me into calling so she can scream at me directly or bash me to Tom because I dared call them out on their BS and dumped them. If I feel you’re detrimental to my psyche or health, you’re out of my life whether you’re related or not.

It’s just hard not to be paranoid after the way I was legally screwed in the past, just as I’d be paranoid to start a new medication. I just hope there’s no way my Facebook message can be altered to make me look bad. I would think Facebook keeps copies of what was actually sent. Tom said they can’t alter it.

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