Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The fucking water is off again. This time I called and screamed at the office, too pissed to care whether or not they could handle it. If they have a problem with me being pissed over something anyone would be pissed over, that’s on them.

I screamed, “How many more times are you going to turn our water off?!” before whoever answered could finish their little greeting.

“Who is this?” they demanded.

“It doesn’t matter. This is absolutely batshit ridiculous!” I screamed before hanging up.

They could have called back and learned who I was through my voicemail greeting if this info didn’t show up on their Caller ID. Not sure if they have this number on record or not. I’m guessing they don’t since I got it after we moved here, and he makes a point of letting them know what his number is. It doesn’t matter either way because if they leave a note saying to get rid of more trees or to do this or do that, it’s not happening.

Still nothing on Facebook from Tammy so I’m guessing she’s in the hospital. I feel bad for her but I’m not going to call just to hear about her brats visiting or something else pertaining to them. If she later asks why I didn’t call the hospital, I’ll just tell her that she sometimes doesn’t check in for a while anyway, which is true, and I didn’t know if she was just busy or not.

In the daytime, I really should see this place as a factory and not a neighborhood. People work here. You know…saws, hammers, etc.

Had a weird dream last night but all I remember is the very end of it. I don’t even know if I was in this country. It just had that foreign feel to it. It was one of those jails that didn’t look like a jail kind of dreams, and all the guys in it seemed dark. Not black kind of dark but perhaps Indian.

The “jail” was in a long house. I was at one end with a middle-aged to older woman that worked there. We were talking about going for a dip in a lake. Since I only had the clothes on my back which were a shirt and skirt, I suggested going in just my sports bra and taking off my skirt right before I jumped in.

When she didn’t object, I headed for the bathroom. On the way, my skirt disappeared in the three seconds it took me to cross two rooms full of guys sleeping on the floor and I was now in just a sports bra and boy shorts. My hair was long and in two braids. Once I entered the bathroom, I flipped on the bright light and found there were even some guys sleeping in there as well. There were about half a dozen of them sleeping on the opposite wall from the toilet.

First I checked to make sure there was toilet paper and then I sat on the toilet, wondering if I would be able to bring myself to pee alone with so many guys, any of which could attack me at any second.

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