Friday, February 7, 2020

Aly, who should be in the middle of surgery right now, doesn’t think Kim has MD, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to do her Taekwondo. She’s got a point there, but Kim definitely has some kind of disability affecting her speech that it’s a wonder she can sing in the choir she sings in. As mean as we were, oh what fun Andy and I would have had with that voice 30 years ago!

Aly says that now she’s being bombarded with planes too, and doesn’t know if it’s connected to the coronavirus thing where incoming patients are being brought to a place called Camp Ashland and quarantined for two weeks. She also says drones have been a nuisance at night. I think that until everything is electric, planes, helicopters and drones are going to become more and more of a problem.

Something just hit me about Abby and that’s her dark eyes. I can clearly see a resemblance to Stacey, though her hair and eyes are darker. I can’t swear to it, but I thought her husband James had light eyes just like she does. Well, I’m pretty sure it’s genetically impossible for light-eyed parents to produce a brown-eyed child. Or maybe not from what I just looked up.

I had a dream I lost a lot of weight and was rocking out but it’s just a dream. My weight will reset itself on its own within a few days because it’s where it feels it needs to be. In fact, it’s already starting to even though I’m not eating any more than I have been. Started off today a little hungrier than I have been in the last several days but then it went away. In the end, my calories are similar to what they have been. If I were unfortunate enough to be in a modern-day concentration camp like Auschwitz, assuming typhoid fever didn’t kill me and I wasn’t thrown in an oven or killed by some other means before the camp was liberated, I can just imagine the sheer shock people would feel when they saw that I was still the exact same size I went in at. They would certainly be wondering how the hell that happened.

Yeah, how the hell does that happen? I still don’t get it but if my body feels comfortable keeping its weight, I say let it have it. I don’t want to try to make it something it’s not, not that I’ve been trying to. I simply haven’t been as hungry and therefore not eating as much. Tom is the opposite. He never gets hungry. He just likes to eat.

Since he got home with the chicken before I got up, he put it in the oven on warm. Apparently, it doesn’t stay warm indefinitely because I woke up to beeping sounds. At first I thought it was the microwave until I went into the kitchen and found it was the oven.

I did both laundry and dishes as soon as he got out of the shower in case 9 hours without water turns into 5 days like last time.

I don’t know the particulars and I haven’t heard of all the people involved, but supposedly, a woman named Kesha is being sued for daring to confide in other celebrities about some doctor who’s a rapist. Because of it, she’s being sued for “defamation.”

I feel for her not just because of what she’s going through but because it reminds me of my own case. I was harassed for years without provocation, first not intentionally and then very intentionally and deliberately. I spoke out about it, the people involved and the system couldn’t handle it and had to add their own damning “evidence,” and then I became what they accused me of being…the hater they made me through their behavior and not their color.

Just did a huge Amazon order with our tax return and got necessities and fun stuff. They include:

• A body shaper
• 15 mini bottles of nail polish
• 6 pairs of lacy boy shorts, mostly in dark colors
• Hair dye
• White Shoulders perfume
• Jovan Musk perfume
• Actuator
• Robot vac/mop
• A laundry bag for small pet stuff to help keep hairs from clogging washing machines

I don’t think the pigs’ liner will fit in it, but their beds will.

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