Monday, February 10, 2020

I was reading someone’s journal on Prosebox complaining about their trip to an aquarium. They said kids of all ages were totally obnoxious and that she normally has pity for parents having to deal with toddlers having meltdowns which she understands is normal. But this was different. This was yelling, screaming, banging on the glass of the exhibits and having no regard for anyone around them. They were getting in people’s way, running into people, and multiple times one kid or another plowed into her or stepped on her feet, she said. What bothered her more, which is totally understandable, was that the parents and chaperones of groups ignored it and let them carry on like little monsters.

This is so, so typical too. And frightening. These little brats are going to be running the world tomorrow. If parents don’t teach them manners, respect and consideration young, what kinds of people are we going to have running things in another decade or two? It’s ridiculous the way kids are allowed to carry on with no regard for those around them. Every fucking time I go to a store when the brats are out, they’re screaming, and throwing fits, and no one gives a shit.

Alexa gives random names if you ask her to. So Annie, as we’ve named our new robot vac/mop since we like to name our devices to keep track of them, is absolutely fabulous! It really blows my mind to walk into the bathroom after a while and find it perfectly mopped. Not just vacuumed but mopped as well. The app is cool because with this one I can see the battery life and things like that.

Used the laundry bag for the pigs’ beds and that should cut down some of the hairs in the washer. I take them out of the bag before tossing them in the dryer since the dryer has a filter to catch any fur.

The planes have been absolutely horrible. This isn’t just in the morning and at night either, but from 5:30 in the morning until after midnight. It’s utterly fucking ridiculous. I hope people are complaining up a storm, not that it will do anyone any good.

I love that we’re getting up to 72 degrees today, but dreading the onslaught of motorcycles and loud projects that the approaching spring will bring.

My new panties fit great, but I hate the shapewear. It fits and isn’t uncomfortable, but I don’t think it makes me look any different, so I’m going to be returning it.

Got a visitor from West Palm Beach yesterday with a Mac computer. Naturally, my first thought is the drama queen since I know it can sometimes think you’re in a different town and occasionally even a different state. But if it was her, I would think she would hit more than one page. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see the one page she did view because it doesn’t always tell me that for some reason.

Aly is to have her bone marrow surgery tomorrow morning and is worried about how much it’s going to cost her. She may not only be unable to come out here this year but to afford her own apartment anytime soon.

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