Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I decided to say hello to Nottelmann and see what I could find out about Johnson. I didn’t expect a reply, but I was surprised by one saying that she not only remembers me but that sadly, Johnson wasn’t one of the ones she kept in touch with over the years. She has kept in touch with others, though, like Palma.

Nottelmann is German and thanks to my shitty memory I looked up the wrong names first. I was surprised to see posts and comments in German. I just didn’t think she knew German. Able to read it, I realized she was getting a little too old to be knocked up, LOL. Then I jumped to her wall through Palma where I was reminded that her first name is actually S.

Anyway, Nottelmann, as I’ve always known her by (I don’t think I could get used to the S/J thing), said she hoped I was doing well. I thanked her for getting back to me, let her know I was doing well and living in Cali and said I hope she’s well, too.

We all have our pet peeves, but silly peeve or not, it bugs me that I have no online privacy. All the while I was telling Kim I deactivated on Facebook, she was reading my public comments for God knows how long and for God knows what reason. Am I just that interesting or something? Maybe I should take it as a sign. One saying to just say fuck it and be more open without worrying so much about who sees what. I’ll be doing that on Blogger. I keep forgetting to copy my PB posts the Facebook, but since Blogger has a built-in share, I’ll use that one and hopefully remember to share from there. It will be the same stuff going on PB and MD. I don’t want anything public on PB but the book with entries pertaining to the termites so that’s the first thing they see when they come looking for me.

I don’t usually allow comments on PB for 3 reasons. One is that there are a lot of spammers on the site lately. Two is that I don’t want to hear from anyone that’s permanently in my past. Three is that I’m not there to argue with anyone who doesn’t like something I may say. That was part of why I was a little dismayed to learn a flagging option is going to be added. I can see flagging spam, but when it comes to things like hate speech, for example, that’s a subjective thing. We’re living in a time where practically everything is seen as racist or hateful. It also goes against the supposed right to free speech and freedom of expression. I think if we get comments (when we allow them) that we don’t like, we should simply ignore or block the person. Also, if you start reading something of someone’s and you find it hateful or offensive, don’t read it. It should be that simple. No one’s forced to read anything. I’ve come across all kinds of things I don’t like to read, and you know what I do? Yeah, I simply move on. I may bitch about some of it in my journal, but I don’t go trying to control and change others to conform to what I believe they should be saying and writing. So that’s part of the third reason I don’t allow comments much lately. If I write that I believe a woman should have full reproductive rights, I’m not going to get into a heated debate with someone who believes otherwise. You’re not going to change my mind simply by telling me you disagree with me just like I’m not going to change your mind. Your views, opinions, and beliefs are on you just like mine are on me.

Had to laugh when Josh said that perhaps a better term was “reporting.” LOL, yeah, and I’m not fat. I’m just curvy, heavy and overweight.

I’m sure it’s considered offensive to some people if I say that Jussie Smollett is another wonderful example of the fact that yes, reverse discrimination and false claims of racism/bigotry really do exist. Yes, it can happen, and yes, it does happen. It’s happened to me and it can happen to you. I’m glad the media has spotlighted the Smollett case, but I really wish they would also give attention to cases that don’t involve famous people.

The wind shifted last night and I got a break from the planes for a few hours. They were back to being annoying this morning but not as loud as they have been. Went out walking for about a half-hour. I really wish I'd gotton the headphones I use when I’m out there when we first moved in here.

Might have to get a new Kindle or just go back to using my old one because I’m having too many syncing issues between the app and Alexa. My old one works. It’s just slow.

When I got back, I slaved over the animals for about an hour, changing both the rats’ cage and the pigpen. Then I swept and mopped under the pen. Some days, like today, I don’t mind the work. On other days I wish I hadn’t gotten such high-maintenance animals.

Been having fun fucking with spammers when I voice message Kim. Her messages will play right through one after another if I play them on the phone. If I reply by phone, I have to hold the button down while I speak but that way, I can watch speech-to-text replying to them on my computer, LOL.

I’ve now got just over 19K pins on Pinterest.

The only bad news is that Aly’s rejecting the transplant. They moved her to the ICU and put her on steroids. I’m waiting to hear back from her on what happens next. I’m guessing she may need an outside donor, but I don’t know for sure.

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