Friday, February 28, 2020

Another noisy but beautiful day. Got both doors open and enjoying a nice cross breeze and fresh air. Just wish I didn’t have loud vehicles on one side and circular saws on the other. What is it with this park’s obsession with circular saws? It’s definitely coming from Dahl’s place, as suspected. I’ve heard more of these fucking things in the years I’ve been here than in my entire life and it really gets old. How much fucking wood could they possibly have to cut and for what? This is like the tenth time I’ve heard this shit from that place in just the few months he’s been there. Amazing how just one person can make so much noise, but I doubt it’s him doing the sawing. He’s still having multiple visitors and I wonder if any of them may be staying there.

Yesterday I was dismayed to find faint spotting and had light cramps as well. Today my boobies are less sore and I haven’t spotted so I’m hoping that’s it for once and for all and that my body will quit trying to kick off a period every so often.

He and I were talking about how we wish this country would finally wake the fuck up and go with universal health care, even though I highly doubt it will happen in our lifetime. In response to me saying how people are obsessed with being independent and selfish, Tom said, “People say that and want to believe that, but we’re not as independent as people think.” After all, the money taken out of people’s paychecks each week or month for insurance does go to pay for others and not just themselves. I get his point, but people in general still suck.

For $4 I found a lovely Pocahontas doll at Goodwill yesterday. She’s about 18” tall, all-vinyl, and has a lovely face and nice long sleek black hair. I washed and conditioned her knee-length hair because it was a little dirty and frazzled. Not nearly in as bad a condition as the BFF dolls were, though. It definitely looks better now, and I’ll also have to touch up a part of one eyebrow where the paint has chipped off. I didn’t like her original outfit because it was boring and so was her painted armband. She’s wearing one of the 14-inch dolls’ three-quarter-sleeve crop tops and matching skirt. Bold pink looks good on her with her skin tone, black hair and dark brown eyes. I guess Pocahontas was a real Indian woman who lived in the late 1500s. She only made it to age 21, though

I was thinking that I might take my acrylic paints to polish some of the vinyl dolls’ nails since regular polish chips off too easily.

Haven’t heard from Dixie and I don’t know if that’s because something’s wrong or she’s ghosting me, and personally, I don’t care if it’s the latter. It may very well be too, because I’m not always available when she needs me. I have absolutely no problem with helping her out, but I can’t be available every time she may need a helping hand. Not saying that’s the case, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was.

I dyed my hair and I’ll get it cut on Monday when it’s less crowded and less likely that damn church band next door to the salon will be playing. Yeah, I’m so cursed with noise that even my salon is noisy. I don’t understand how the hell anybody could stand to work to that ferociously pounding bass. I first thought some kind of construction was going on over there.

Tom loaded an app on his phone so that we could find things we were looking for in Walmart that we don’t usually get. It tells you what aisle to go to, but sometimes it would still take time to find things on the proper aisle.

My low-carb diet starts today at 157.8 lb. As I said, I doubt it will do me any good, but this is my final attempt to lose a little weight. As I said, not going to play the let’s try to be what I’m not meant to be game forever. Not so sure going low-carb is going to leave me any less hungry as they claim this type of diet does. Hopefully, I can get used to it.

For breakfast, I made my first cheese and veggie omelet and it came out great. Made it with real butter and olive oil instead of margarine. Lunch was plain yogurt in which I threw in some blueberries, nuts and seeds with a dollop of honey, and coconut flakes. Dinner will be a bunless cheeseburger with veggies.

Tom has begun working out on the Bowflex to get in better shape and says I should lose my muscle in less than a decade. He says he noticed he lost strength in his late 50s. Well, nothing lasts forever, that’s for sure. The older we get, the more we lose pieces of ourselves.

He’s hoping to start a new job in about a month. He doesn’t want to have to start something soon and then take March 16th off for my doctor’s appointment which wouldn’t look good, especially if he got first shift. For now, he’s sprucing up his resume and doing his research as far as what’s available. He’ll apply for Unemployment next week since you can’t get it the first week anyway.

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