Monday, February 17, 2020

I was surprised to learn that a healthy BMI for a typical woman in the US is between 25-31. Well, I’m 31. As I was telling Aly, I’m not that big but could stand to lose a little even though I never do. I guess I’m just a typical middle-aged person. Although I certainly wouldn’t discourage anyone who wanted to lose weight, I feel like I would be lying to them if I told them things like, “You got this” or “You can do this!”

The reality is that they’re unlikely to lose the weight and keep it off for very long if they do. So, I wouldn’t want to tell them they could do something they’re unlikely to succeed with unless they’re around 20 years old perhaps and don’t have any medical problems or food addictions.

Lawrence really has project addictions, that’s for sure. I don’t think he’s the bastard that woke me up, but I was woken up twice by something loud going by. It came in at 9 and then left 20 minutes later, whatever it was. At first I thought it was Diane’s Pride bus, but they pick her up at 8:30 and don’t take 20 minutes to do it. Either way, I’ve been tired all day…again.

When we went out to Safeway to grab some things, that restoration truck was and back again. So, I guess this is yet another project that will take who knows how many days or weeks.

So glad Google did away with inserting punctuation when using speech-to-text, presumably because they got a lot of complaints. I thought it was cool at first but then I quickly came to hate it because it was breaking up sentences and causing too many errors.

Anyway, we ran out to Safeway where I got some vegetable oil and was amazed to find not raw peanuts but unsalted ones in the shell.

I made up the rest of the tempura with mushrooms which ended up making quite a mess and isn’t worth it in the end. It would work best with the strainer I thought we had but can’t find, and a deep fryer as opposed to frying it in a skillet. Very hard to drain and very greasy even if you try to soak up the grease with paper towels. I’m paying for it now with a queasy stomach. We could easily get a deep fryer, but we have very limited space in the kitchen and it’s definitely not healthy either.

We ordered a frying screen splatter guard and I got a set of a dozen full-size bottles of metallic nail polish each in a different color that has better reviews than the last set I got which is a bit dry and streaky.

Still have sore boobs and still don’t know if it’s going to amount to a period or not. I swear I had cramps at some point in my sleep, too. I’ve lost some of my water having Oolong tea and went down a pound. I’d like to drop 4-5 lb before my appointment so I don’t go breaking records there but that would take a shitload of hunger. I’m trying to convince myself that the hunger is totally worth it for all kinds of health reasons. If I don’t eat much, I help prevent debilitating weight gain which fucks with my mobility, diabetes, high blood pressure, such a high LDL score, and a whole host of other potential problems. There is an endless number of possible negatives if I continue eating. If I go hungry most of the time, there is only one negative and one negative only… hunger. That’s it. Just being hungry. Really wish it was as simple as it sounds! But I did quit smoking after trying for many years by telling myself the same thing and that was all the negatives of smoking versus the benefits of quitting.

I got the idea to search for Molly on Twitter by adding the name of the group home she lives in, and sure enough, she does have a new account… And so does Aly. Knew she was lying about ghosting her. The question is why she wants to keep their friendship a secret. I’ve already made it more than clear to her that I support her right to be friends with whoever she wants to be friends with, whether I think it’s a good idea or not.

She really is such a fucking liar in general. I don’t get it. Is it some sort of addiction she can’t help? Or is it just fun for her? Really dampens my trust in her in some ways.

She definitely doesn’t tweet much more from that account than she does from the one we’re connected on. She supposedly created it to keep track of her weight and health but only has 6 tweets, the last one being a month ago. Even Molly tweets not being sure if Aly uses Twitter anymore.

So they’re not doing Skype or WhatsApp together like I thought they were then? Maybe not because she hasn’t been on WhatsApp in almost a month. She did say she used to be in touch with some people there who stopped using it. Yeah, probably because messages going through were hit or miss.

Aly has been contradicting about her weight. She mentioned a while back about gaining weight even though she’s been walking more, then there’s this account where she expresses a desire to lose weight. Yet a few days ago she was telling me that they devised a menu for her to add a few hundred more calories. I asked her about it earlier and she said she gained back some of what she lost and isn’t under or overweight.

I don’t know, I’ve always gotten the feeling that like with Andy, she likes being the opposite of me. Maybe she’s heavier than she lets on but doesn’t say so in order to have one less thing in common with me.

Not that it matters in the end, but I can’t begin to really guess what her weight really is. I’ve learned that being hypo doesn’t always mean you’re fat just like being hyper doesn’t always mean you’re skinny. I’m sure being sick messed with her appetite for a while, though.

I’ve seen pictures of her taken when she was around 30 and she looked a lot like me, maybe even bigger. She had to have been in the 140s, possibly even the 150s or higher. If her weight was that high that young, she could be pretty heavy now and maybe more likely to end up even heavier than I am. Anyway, as long as she’s healthy and happy. She’s looking at being discharged Wednesday and I wonder if this is finally the end of her health problems for a while other than some tummy issues. Doubt it, though, unfortunately.

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